Signs of the times appeared after what happened at the wedding party.. A reckless groom without shame allowed his 6 brothers to have sex with his bride on the wedding night, with husbands.. Can you believe what happened to the bride!

Sometimes there are customs and traditions that are unusual or beyond the normal range of people, and it is strange that these customs continue to be passed down from generation to generation without change.

Although the progress of civilization has become a feature of the era, these customs and traditions are often associated with the details of people’s lives, and we may see them in the necessities of life.

But there are still strange customs in marriage. We all know that marriage customs differ from one person to another, and from one country to another, but sometimes some customs go beyond logic, so let’s understand the strangest customs of marriage in the world.

India is one of the most unusual marriage customs in the world, and there is in India that one woman marries all the brothers, and sometimes when the number of brothers reaches six, they marry one woman.

This tradition is also spread in some parts of India in China, as well as in some countries and tribes in Africa.

Often the reason for this type of marriage is to preserve the heritage without division, and also for the purpose of the undivided family. Conflicts or disagreements between brothers in the future,

Therefore, this tradition is adopted from ancient times to spread peace between brothers, and this marriage often has order within the family, and there are some rules regarding the relationship between children and between them, etc.

Although this marriage faces severe criticism, it still exists in some places. regions, especially remote areas. One of the strange customs in marriage is burning it following the death of the husband, the wife herself, the widow burning next to the husband’s body, which is a kind of loyalty and devotion to the husband,

Despite the harshness of these customs, some marriages see this act as a form of respect for the deceased and to prove her love for her husband. These rituals are practiced in some parts of India, and it is a tradition that relies on the wife’s dependence on her husband. will. After his death, his body was burned on wood, which is also a regular tradition in some Indian beliefs.

But the strange thing is that the wife used to sleep next to her deceased husband, and burn his body with him in the name of sincerity and loyalty, and accompanied him on his last journey.

These traditions can be traced back to ancient times and some people mention in ancient books and documents that these traditions can be traced back to Alexander the Great and passed on from generation to generation. Generation following generation until our time, these customs are among the strangest marriage customs in the world.

Although such behavior has been severely criticized, some people still insist, do not change or even try to get rid of these habits, which of course are contrary to the logic and nature of God’s creation of us, especially marriage for the sake of family affection, mercy and stability. for human reproduction and survival



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