Glued to Kicillof, Grabois fired at Alberto Fernández: “Next year I don’t want another mediocre, another lukewarm, another coward”

LA PLATA.- The leader of the Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE), Juan Graboispresented his new book yesterday followingnoon, accompanied by the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillofin an act in which he called the president “mediocre”, “lukewarm” and “cowardly” Alberto Fernandezwhile he praised the provincial president, whom he described as a “hope.”

Grabois, who has already entered the race for a presidential candidacy, made it clear that the President will not have his support in a new configuration of the Frente de Todos. “Next year I don’t want to have another mediocre, another lukewarm, another coward who doesn’t make the changes he has to make. I do not accept it. Our main trench for the realpolitik It is the province of Buenos Aires and Axel has to bank that stop. I understand that it is so”, said. The governor and the social militant were shown together, with a gesture typical of the launch of an electoral formula in campaign.

The governor accompanied the MTE leader at the presentation of his book “Los Peores”Matias Adhemar – THE NATION

At the book launch The Worst. Lazy, squatter, jets and violent, of his authorship, Grabois deepened his praise for Kicillof. He stated that the governor is for now the one who “banks the stop” in the province of Buenos Aires. And he added that he is a candidate for president: “I am a candidate and I hope others sign up.”

Kicillof first went on stage at Club Platense. The governor applauded until the author of the book also came up. Together they hugged, put their arms up and their fingers in a V. From the stands a “I love you, Grabois” was heard. And then: “I love you, Axel.”

Kicillof took the floor first. “Juan has something between provocative, warm and loving. More than this you are not going to get out of me, “said the president when introducing the social militant. But, following defending him, he clarified that they have differences: “Juan brings positions with which I do not agree.” He added that he was not referring to “the electoral agenda, but to substantive issues such as understanding the current stage of capitalism.”

“What is coming this year – regardless of how we end up resolving the discussion in the popular field – is whether we want the right or that rights be recognized. We are going to military so that the rights are recognized from the province of Buenos Aires “remarked the governor.

Grabois defended the movement of excluded workers and the Kicillof government. And even installed the governor as a candidate for President: “He is the governor of the province. That is not a small thing. Maybe it lacks a bit but it’s going well. He’s doing fine. He is an official who more or less works ”. He cited – as if in passing – that he still remembers when Kicillof won the election and took office in 2019. “We had something to do with that,” he said.

“But it is also one of the hopes we have to build a superior synthesis of the national and popular processes of the first part of the 21st century. Achieving that so difficult in Argentina: building a generational replacement that exceeds the rights that the previous stage left us. Axel represents that possibility. That power that can be given or not. We have some hope.” said the author of the book that was presented this followingnoon.

Grabois’s mentions of other Kirchnerist referents were less emphatic and fleeting, without electoral charge but management. This is how he referred to “the dear companion [Eduardo] Peter’s ‘Wado’”, and, in the same line, to the “dear companion maximum kirchner”. But neither of them was positioned as a candidate.

Kicillof spoke first, and the closing went to GraboisMatias Adhemar – THE NATION

Close to the social militant they interpreted the scope of his words. “Juan’s proposal is that we do not want a conservative center unity candidate, but that there be a STEP where all parts of the Frente de Todos are represented. Let there be a candidate of our generation with a transformative perspective”, said a militant of the movement.

For his part, Kicillof called to convert the State, “in favor of the popular sectors, of the workers.” He maintained that “the free organizations of the people are needed, to participate in the State and to mark when the leaders deviate”, and he received one of the longest applause.

On the street, in front of the Club Platense de La Plata, there were banners and militants to support Grabois’s candidacy for presidentMatias Adhemar – THE NATION

However, Kicillof clarified that he differs in theoretical terms from Grabois. He said that this stage of capitalism is “inhuman, but the question is whether it is eternal.” He added that, in his opinion, “mass exclusion of workers is not an inevitable trend of capitalism in its current stage, but it still needs policies and solutions.”

During the act, Grabois also slipped a soft criticism of Pope Francis. First, he clarified that he is the person he admires the most in the world. He recalled that when he was archbishop in Buenos Aires, Jorge Bergoglio rode the bus. Now,” he said, “they won’t let him leave the Vatican. “The mind goes where the feet take it,” she slipped, by way of subtle reproach. Later he vindicated the figure of Francisco and quoted him when calling to build a planet that is worth living on.

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