Cannabis on a daily basis… soon insomnia? – Featured

February 23, 2023

Episodes of insomnia are twice as frequent among young people who consume cannabis every day. Point of vigilance on this addiction and on the consequences of lack of sleep in terms of physical and mental well-being and academic success.

For many followers, cannabis, especially if smoked in the evening, allows you to relax, to “rest your brain”, to fall asleep without thinking. But according to specialists from Inserm, the University of Bordeaux and the University Hospital of Bordeaux, this is not the case: smoking cannabis disrupts the ability to fall asleep in young consumers.

14,787 young people under study

To prove it, the team of Prs Julien Coelho and Christophe Tzourio analyzed the data ” of nearly 14,787 student volunteers, members of the i-Share cohort “. All responded to an online questionnaire evaluating their cannabis use and their relationship to sleep with a focus on insomnia.

Result, ” the probability of suffering from insomnia would be 45% higher among cannabis users compared to non-users “. And when consumption becomes daily? Those who smoke daily are twice as at risk of insomnia compared to abstainers.

This study pinpoints two major public health problems: addictive cannabis use and sleep quality. Which negatively impact “ the success of studiesas well as physical and mental health ».

A regrettable link when we know that “ half of students in France today suffer from sleep disorders “, notes Prs Coelho and Tzourio. In details, ” 55% of students have sleep disturbances, and 19% of them suffer from insomnia “. Finally, in France, 13.9% of 18-25 year olds say they use cannabis monthly and 4% daily ».

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*Inserm Research Center/Bordeaux University Unit 1219 – Population Health

  • Source : Inserm, January 23, 2023

  • Written by : Laura Bourgault – Edited by: Emmanuel Ducreuzet

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