Pexiora. Town clerks in a meeting

At the town hall of Pexiora, the first 2023 meeting of the town hall secretaries of the territory was held, led by the community of municipalities. Around twenty secretaries took part in this meeting, organized by Espace France Services. The meeting was moderated by several speakers. Two Health Prevention advisers from the Aude Management Center spoke regarding their skills and their organization to support local authorities. The local Mission bus operator explained his missions and his movements on the territory. Two agents from the Intercommunal Tourist Office highlighted their action and mentioned the procedures for tourist accommodation providers. A sector manager from the social action center presented the new single dossier for assistance with autonomy for the elderly at home. Finally, the energy transition project contracting officer took the floor to discuss the various projects of the municipalities. This quarterly meeting, on the initiative of the CCPLM, aims to meet, exchange and provide information on what is happening in the territory.



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