The Election Commission rejected the petition from the Royal Thai Police, bringing people to the meeting, giving out shirts and hats, entertaining, rude speeches.

The Election Commission rejected the petition from the Royal Thai Police, bringing people to the meeting, giving out shirts and hats, entertaining, rude speeches.

on February 24 Mr. Somchai Srisuthiyakorn President of Strategy to Drive Policy Thai Liberal Party And a former Election Commissioner (EC) posted on Facebook stating that Mr. Veera Somkid received a letter from the EC (I didn’t) informing him that the petition was filed on January 19, 2023 and would Wait for an answer within 1 month, otherwise it will file a complaint for ignoring that matter. The Election Commission has considered that it should not be taken into consideration.

The hard-to-read official letter said it was incompatible with Article 22(4), Article 23(1), Article 27(1) and Article 27(2) of the 2018 Election Commission Regulations on Investigation, Inquiry and Arbitration. Amendment (No. 2) B.E. 2563

Read and you will know why. Plus, if you search the 2018 Election Commission’s regulations, they have already been removed from the Election Commission’s website, leaving only the revised version 2, which does not contain the cited law.

But when he read the regulations, he realized that the hit was dropped because of two reasons: one, metaphysical evidence, no date, time, place, person, clear evidence, and second, the petitioner had no right to complain. because it is not a stakeholder who has the right to vote in that district

common people or daily singers After receiving the letter, they would quit, but not Weera and Somchai because they had read the law and knew regarding it. And there is still kindness for the secretary of the ECT to prepare to find answers.

Friday, March 3, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. I would like to meet with the Secretary-General of the ECT, giving him the opportunity to explain What is the reason for not accepting?

If what I sing That is not contrary to the law that you raised as a reason for refusing the petition.

The 7 Election Commission members voted to reject the petition. Prepare for the calamities that come from invalid votes, too.

Somchai Srisuthiyakorn
Weera Somkid
February 24, 2023

Read: Royal Thai Police. Work has arrived! ‘Somchai-Weera’ asks the Election Commission to investigate 5 issues, organizes a meeting to launch Big Tu Illegal or not

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