From addiction to recovery, how to get out of the spiral of chemsex

Euphoria, disinhibition and, for some, addiction… Highlighted by the Pierre Palmade affair but scrutinized for a long time by LGBT associations, chemsex consists of having sexual intercourse under the influence of psychoactive products. Boris (first name has been changed) is a former chemsexer. He agreed to testify for Philippe Batel, addictologist, sheds some light on us, and Jean-Luc Roméro-Michel testifies to the loss of her husband, who died of a coma following an evening of chemsex.

For help, it is possible to contact the “chemsex emergencies” call number from Aides on 01 77 93 97 77 (non-surcharged number) or Drugs info service on 0 800 23 13 13 (anonymous and free service and call, 7 days a week from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m.).



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