Sender distances himself. RTL star convicted of sedition.

Reality TV participant Henrik Stoltenberg ended up in court for shouting Nazi slogans and was fined. Now RTL is also throwing out the TV macho.

The trash TV career is over for the grandson of the deceased CDU politician Gerhard Stoltenberg: the broadcaster RTL kicks Henrik Stoltenberg out of the program and ends the collaboration with him with immediate effect.

“(…) RTL + (…) attaches great importance to fairness and tolerance and we distance ourselves in all forms from discriminatory or insulting statements,” says a statement.

Henrik Stoltenberg flies out of the RTL media library

The current shoot with Henrik Stoltenberg was canceled immediately. Up to this point he was in front of the camera for the format “The Real Life”. RTL also writes that they remove all episodes of various reality formats in which Stoltenberg was seen from their own media library.

What happened? The “Love Island” candidate yelled Nazi slogans out of the window of his Cologne apartment last summer. The police came and took his personal details. Just four weeks later, officials crossed his path once more. Stoltenberg rioted at night, threw down construction site signs and made racist comments, writes «Bild».

Stoltenberg had to answer to the Cologne district court for his freak out. He was fined the equivalent of around 15,000 francs.

“Love Island” candidate poses provocatively

Stoltenberg became known to a wide audience through his appearance in “Love Island”. He shaped the program with sentences like: “My penis is my most beautiful part of the body.” On Instagram he liked to show himself provocatively, for example naked on a horse.

In court, he says, embarrassed: “I was very drunk on the two days, but I’m not a racist. I’m sorry regarding the whole thing now.” He’s rid of his trash TV job anyway.

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