Graffiti: Two young taggers arrested in the act at Friborg station


Two young taggers arrested in flagrante delicto at Friborg station

Two alleged taggers were stopped in their tracks and placed in provisional arrest, on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. They would have committed dozens of tags in the canton.


Spray canisters were seized from the two young men. Illustrative photo.


During the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, a police patrol was attracted by two young men doing graffiti on the kiosk of Friborg station. They fled on foot, before being arrested a little further by the police.

The alleged perpetrators, aged 17 and 18, are both domiciled in the Sarine district. They were placed in provisional arrest. Spray canisters were seized from them. The searches ordered by the prosecutor and the juvenile judge at the respective homes of these men made it possible to seize various elements related to their criminal activity.

They recognize several tags

As it stands, the investigations have brought to light several dozen graffiti linked to the alleged perpetrators. The material damage has not yet been quantified at this stage of the investigation, but is estimated at several thousand francs.

Asked regarding the facts, the two individuals admitted their participation in several cases, in the region of Friborg and Marly. They were released at the end of the police measures. An investigation is underway under the direction of the public prosecutor and the Juvenile Court.

To date, the Friborg cantonal police have registered around ten criminal complaints for graffiti that occurred mainly on walls and urban infrastructure.

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