Officially, the Compulsory General Department has 431 cases of dengue, but surely there are more, said the undersecretary of health promotion of the province

The drs, Leila Mansur, Sebastian Torres. and Juan Carlos Zanuttin

At mid-morning on Thursday, February 23, 2023, in the Auditorium of the Reconquista Hospital, Dr. Sebastián Torres, undersecretary for health promotion of the province, accompanied by the reference of the Health Region, Dr. Leira Mansur; and the Director of the Hospital, Dr. Juan Carlos Zanuttin, gave a press conference following the blockade operations that took place on Wednesday the 22nd in the area.

Sebastián Torres stated, “The reason for being here and for what we have convened is to be able to share the epidemiological situation in relation to dengue… there have been concerns and concerns regarding the increase in cases.”

“What we want is to first bring peace of mind, information to all residents, not only in the city of Reconquista, but also in the entire region.” clarified.

And continued, “Currently we have 415 reported cases of dengue (this number was up to the time of the conference), which are distributed in different locations, then with the morning report they confirmed 431 cases throughout the General Obligado department.”

“We are at a time in which it is foreseeable and normal that we have this increase in cases, it is a pathology in which every year, at this time of year, and in other years, the increase in outbreaks and cases that have occurred in some localities. It is a very prevalent pathology in some Northwestern provinces and very prevalent throughout all the years in countries like Paraguay, and the North of Brazil. Taking into account the tourist movement that we have had in recent times, this increases the possibilities that we keep this pathology in mind and increase”.

“Governor Omar Perotti and the Minister of Health, Martorano, asked us to be able to work, plan and apply what are the different strategies to be able to carry out all promotion and prevention policies in relation to dengue. And when I mean all the We are talking regarding different tools and edges that one must work in. On the one hand, we have been working with our laboratory, we have tripled the delivery of repellents in all towns and neighborhoods where we have had positive cases and suspected cases, and We are working on blockade operations, we have increased availability in health institutions, so that each neighbor can have their repellent, which is a very good way to prevent mosquito bites.”

He explained that yesterday, Wednesday, a tour of different locations was carried out, Reconquista, Villa Guillermina, Florencia, Villa Ocampo, and Las Toscas, among others.

“… With the health teams, we were able to review the strategies on which to work in each house, neighborhood, how to work in each region. We have chatted with neighbors, school authorities, religious, bringing peace of mind, explaining what that is being done, and the truth is that we go calmly with this tour, because chatting, sharing is the best way for each of the neighbors to be calm and know what dengue is regarding, which is already a pathology that we all know is not new, and it seems redundant to talk regarding dengue, but it never hurts to review”.

“On the other hand, we are working with what is active fumigation, the province has its own equipment in the area of ​​zoonoses, added to the equipment that each commune and municipality has and that allows us to carry out fumigation operations.”

He said that a team of more than 20 health agents from Rosario will be working in Villa Guillermina, who are doing the work house to house, and who are satisfied with what is being done.

He remarked that “It is not necessary to talk regarding an emergency”, technically we are working, we are acting accordingly, as it is a dynamic process, it is not a decision that we should make today”.

Regarding the death of a woman in Villa Guillermina, it indicated that, “It was a person who 16 days before, from what we were informed, had had dengue, and the condition for which he ended up being admitted to the Hospital was an event compatible with a cardiovascular condition, not only because of the symptoms, but also because the laboratory explains that It was an event and not something linked to dengue.”

LIVE-Direct Transmission of ReconquistaTODAY

The Province report of Thursday, February 23, 2023:

The Ministry of Health of the Province of Santa Fe confirms 454 cases of Dengue. three of the
cases were classified as imported and another two of patients residing in other

The remaining 449 cases correspond to patients residing in the departments
General Obligado, Rosario, 9 de Julio, La Capital, San Cristóbal and Vera and are distributed in the
following locations:

-Compulsory General Department (431 confirmed cases):

– 245 cases in Villa Guillermina
– 110 cases in Las Toscas
– 17 cases in Villa Ocampo
– 14 cases in San Antonio de Obligado
– 7 cases in Tacuarendí
– 5 cases in Avellaneda
– 4 cases in Florence
– 3 cases in Camp Hardy
– 2 cases in Villa Ana
– 1 case in Malabrigo

Rosario Department (5 confirmed cases):

– 5 cases of Rosario

Department 9 de Julio (5 confirmed cases):

– 5 houses of Villa Minetti

La Capital Department (4 confirmed cases):

– 2 Recreation cases

– 2 cases from Santa Fe

San Cristóbal Department (2 confirmed cases):

– 2 cases in Ceres

Vera Department (2 confirmed cases):

– 2 cases of La Gallareta

In addition, no new cases of Chikungunya Fever were registered. Two confirmed cases of
patients from Rosario and Santa Fe, with a travel history. Both cases continue treatment

Faced with this situation, control and blocking actions are carried out, as well as the search for
febrile patients.

blocking operation

It consists of intervening in the home, the block and the other 8 perimeters with the
following actions:

● Search for febrile patients in the neighbors of the homes where the patients
stayed or visited since the return from the trip.

● Debris from patios, which involves eliminating useless containers, leaving mouths
down those in use and hermetically cover those that have water that cannot be

● Intra and peridomiciliary fumigation with ultra-low volume machinery.

Recommendations for patients with suspected dengue:

People with fever and other symptoms such as headaches and body aches, and
think you may have dengue, it is recommended:
– Consult early and do not self-medicate.

– Put on repellent every 4 to 6 hours while the fever lasts and light spirals in the
environments of your home.

Recommendations for people who make trips where there is circulation of Dengue or


Take extreme preventive measures once morest the bites of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. If a person who traveled to these areas presents upon his return to Argentina (and up to 2 weeks
following) fever accompanied by headache, drowsiness, muscle pain or in
joints, pain behind the eyes, rash, bleeding gums, it is essential to activate
suspicion of arbovirosis, taking the following measures:

– Approach a health center as soon as possible to carry out the corresponding evaluation. –

– Do not self-medicate. Some anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen or aspirin can aggravate the clinical picture.

– Use personal protection measures such as repellents, physical barriers such as mosquito nets in
doors and windows and isolation measures inside the home to avoid infecting


Remember that the symptoms can appear up to 2 weeks following the trip.

Comply with medical instructions and go to the control center near your home.

Stay at home and do not go to work or make visits until discharge.

Restrict visits.

Eliminate objects from your home that can serve as reservoirs for mosquito eggs.

The population is reinforced with the need and responsibility to take measures to prevent the
proliferation of dengue-transmitting mosquitoes, to protect ourselves, take care of our family, neighborhood and city.


• Do not accumulate garbage.

• Throw away cans, bottles, tires and any useless container.

• Cover tanks and deposits, hermetically.

• Place buckets, basins and any useful container upside down.

• Change the water in animal drinkers and vases every 3 days.

• Remove water from pot holders and dishes.

• Keep patios and gardens tidy and weeded.



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