This drug combining ibuprofen and codeine can lead to death in the event of prolonged intake or overdose

“Several cases of renal, gastrointestinal and metabolic toxicity have been reported in countries where it is available without a prescription”said the ANSM in a press release.

Or “the declared cases of toxicity, which sometimes led to the death of the patient, took place in situations of prolonged intake, at doses higher than the recommended doses, in a context of abuse and dependence on codeine”an opiate molecule like morphine, adds the agency.

In detail, prolonged intake of this drug is responsible for kidney damage (kidney failure) and a significant drop in potassium levels in the blood, which can cause muscle weakness and impaired consciousness.. Perforations and haemorrhages in the stomach or intestines as well as severe anemia have also been observed.

Use ibuprofen for the shortest duration

In this context, the European Medicines Agency has requested that these undesirable effects be added to the summary of product characteristics and the package leaflet, underlines the press release, recalling that in France, all medicines containing codeine are subject to a compulsory medical prescription since 2017.

The ANSM recommends for its part to patients feeling “the need to consume the drug Antarène Codeine at higher doses or for longer durations than those recommended” to consult a doctor.

She also recommends if using a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen, use the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration, and stop treatment as soon as symptoms disappear.

And in the event of pain and/or fever, particularly in the context of a common infection such as angina or a cough, the ANSM calls on patients to favor the use of paracetamol by respecting the rules for the proper use of the drug.



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