The saddest moment of John Schneider, protagonist of The Dukes of Hazzard: “Please respect my pain and don’t ask any questions”

With her fair hair, her perfect smile and her mischievous look, John Schneider It was enough for him to record his first pilot to be on everyone’s lips and to win the covers of the magazines of the time. But even though his “Bo” interpretation of him in the hit series The dukes of hazzard made him an immediate star, the actor knew how to keep a very low profile and chose to keep his personal life away from the media. However, this week he turned to his social networks to share with his thousands of followers the sad moment he has to go through.

My favorite beautiful smile is free of pain, living in his new body with Jesuss”, wrote the musician and singer. Despite having made known the difficult situation he is experiencing due to the sudden death of his wife, Alicia Schneider, he refused to give details and details: “Please respect our privacy during this time of grief. Please don’t ask any questions”.

The brief text ends with another request and a deep recommendation: “If you have any photos of us, of our true love and adoration for each other, please post them below. Finally… Hug the ones you love tight and let them know how you feel. we always did”.

Schneider and his wife in one of the many publications that the actor dedicated to him on his social

The actor met Allain in 2014 and at first they were only united by a contractual relationship: she was his representative. At the time, he had just divorced – not on very good terms – his first wife, to whom he was married for 21 years. “John and I met regarding five years ago and we did regarding seven or eight movies together. Then we returned to the music industry and made regarding 110 songs,” the woman explained in an interview, realizing how fruitful the union had been for both of them.

It was she who took the first step and invited him to dinner when the two met in New York City. That first romantic encounter almost ended in the worst way: the actor got lost when the GPS in his car broke down on his way and he almost didn’t make it to dinner.

Over time, in addition to becoming his partner, she was also his partner in several of the projects he undertook, such as his film production company or the management of his theater.

In addition to her partner, Allain became a representative and partner of

They only got married in 2019, when the divorce process with the actor’s previous wife had not yet concluded. For this reason, the union was “before God” in one of the places preferred by both: the studios that the actor owns in Holden, Louisiana, before an exclusive group of friends and family.

The idea was to go through the civil registry once the actor’s divorce was made official. But The illusion did not last long: at the time of celebrating their love, Allain was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and the specialists gave her only two years to live.

According to various US media reports, despite that devastating diagnosis, the couple did not stop looking for other alternatives to reverse the process. Thanks to some of these treatments, Allain felt some improvement. In addition, both the actor and his wife are very religious and for this reason they also prayed fervently.

The latest news on Allain’s state of health indicated that the cancer had remitted. ”I think the change in lifestyle gave medicine a platform to work on. If you are making the body healthy so that it can fight cancer along with the medication, then you have a medicine for success, ”Schneider explained before her wife announced on her networks that she had defeated the disease .

Perhaps for this reason, the sudden message from the actor of Smallville surprised many of his followers, who were convinced that the bad times were behind him.


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