Get to know ‘Dementia’, a disease that has patients no less than ‘Alzheimer’, symptoms similar to ‘psychiatry’ |

Get to know ‘Dementia’, a disease that has no less patients than Alzheimer’s and symptoms similar to ‘psychiatry’

Nop.Wirawut full of happiness Deputy Director General of the Medical Department Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) revealed that ‘frontal dementia’ is a disease that has atrophy of the front of the brain. It consists of the frontal lobe and anterior temporal lobe. which is different from dementia from Alzheimer’s disease who often have atrophy in the posterior brain As for the cause of atrophy Caused by the accumulation of abnormal proteins in the brain. If there is too much abnormal protein production or the body’s mechanisms can’t eliminate it in time. will cause damage to brain cells until brain atrophy occurs

for frontal dementia It’s a rare disease. which is less common than Alzheimer’s disease Most of them are between the ages of 45-65 years, found equally in males and females. can be divided into two main types: 1. Dominant behavioral problems which will predominantly be behavioral problems inability to restrain self-control Behave inappropriately in public Repetitive, pointless behavior and loss of ability in planning work

2. Outstanding types of language problems which will highlight problems in using language for communication The patient will have trouble remembering words. may stutter or even to the point of losing knowledge the meaning of words used in everyday life when the disease progresses Finally, it will greatly affect daily living, socializing and work. May even be unable to communicate and understand at all. can’t help themselves and on average may die in regarding 7-8 years

Nop.Thanin Vechaphinan Director of the Institute of Neurology added that current diagnosis Emphasis is placed on symptom assessment. which patients often do not know that they have abnormal symptoms Relatives or close caregivers therefore play an important role in bringing patients into the treatment process. If you notice that the patient has such symptoms should hurry to see a doctor, a hospital near the house for assessment The hardest part is that the patient’s symptoms are often similar to those of a psychiatric disorder. cause to miss a diagnosis of dementia


Currently, there is no cure for this disease. therefore focusing on treating symptoms and supporting patients to help themselves Relatives can take care of it easily. have a good quality of life It consists of drug treatment to control various behavioral disorders and non-drug treatment. with an emphasis on behavior modification Avoidance of stimuli that cause the patient to exhibit inappropriate behavior. For language problems, there is training by a speech therapist to restore the brain to be able to communicate. deceleration In the case of patients with severe symptoms and unable to communicate well Communication training will be used to compensate for lost skills, such as using communication devices. body language practice or writing through a board or electronic device to communicate instead, etc.

Incidentally, if relatives or colleagues suspect Someone close to you is sick with this condition. Can consult a doctor at a hospital near home Or consult specialists at university hospitals and specialized hospitals. Including the Institute of Neurology, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health. There are both neurologists and psychiatrists who are well experienced in treating this group of patients.




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