Elie Semoun confides in his relationship with his son Antoine, spray

Being a parent is a difficult job, even when you’re a public figure or a comedian. Elie Semoun saw it himself, he who struggled to maintain a healthy relationship with his only son, Antoine, born in the summer of 1995.

In the columns of Here is (Source 1), the 59-year-old actor and humorist has made rare secrets regarding his relationship with his son, born of his love with Annie Florence Jeannesson.

« He is the pride of my life. And to finally know it in harmony with itself is a huge relief For me “, confided Elie Semoun. His 27-year-old son has become a painter and practices under the name Andy Santori. It must be said that the son of the comedian has faced several difficulties in his life as a child and teenager. Born prematurely, the boy went on to develop Asperger’s Syndrome, a type of autism spectrum disorder that complicates social life and can lead to great isolation. A peculiarity that his father has not always been able to manage, as he confesses himself. “ I have long been hard on him, in denial of its difference. I was exasperated by his immobilityI think that I was especially very worried for him and that I did not know how to express it otherwise “said the actor, currently playing in the play Royal Suite. Now more serene regarding the future of his son, Elie Semoun says he is his “ best agent » and wishes him « a nice future ».

Often very frank, without filter, people with Asperger’s syndrome can have communication and integration difficulties, and struggle to understand the “codes” governing our life in society. When they try to fit in, they may experience a extreme tiredness to try to understand what escapes them, for example the communication non verbale. Psychological help can then be of great help, as well as personalized support during their schooling, so as not to drop out.



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