Freest country in the world: Switzerland in 1st place – the Fox presenter makes fun of it

Freest country in the world

Switzerland in 1st place – Fox presenter makes fun of it

According to the Human Freedom Index, Switzerland is the freest country in the world. A Fox News anchor poked fun at it.


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Fox presenter Lisa Kennedy makes fun of Switzerland.

  • According to the Human Freedom Index, Switzerland is the freest country in the world.

  • The index measures how freely people can develop without being restricted.

  • A Fox presenter makes derogatory fun of it.

According to the Human Freedom Index, Switzerland is the freest country in the world with 8.94 out of 10 points. New Zealand comes second with 8.75 points, followed by Estonia with 8.73 points. Syria comes last with 3.3 points, behind Yemen with 3.94 points and Venezuela with 4.09 points.

The study assesses personal and economic freedom in the world. It measures how freely people can develop without being restricted by the state or other fellow citizens. 83 different indicators are taken into account, such as security, freedom of the press and freedom of expression, and the rule of law.

Switzerland has always been on the podium for over 20 years. Because of the Corona crisis, the value in Switzerland fell below nine for the first time. The study also saw a decline globally. Above all, the pandemic restricted freedom of movement, trade in goods and freedom of expression.

Fox presenter ridicules Switzerland

Fox News Channel, an American news channel, also reported on the study, which was conducted by the Cato Institute and Fraser Institute. The Fox presenter seemed surprised that Switzerland came first. She tries to explain it in a bizarre way: “What is it regarding Switzerland, except that you hike naked in little boots?” The co-moderator then explains that Switzerland is free in every aspect that the “Human Freedom Index” illuminates. Meanwhile, the USA, aka the “land of the free”, ranks 23rd.

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