If the joints hurt: what is the reason and how to help?

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12 hours ago

Joint pain occurs at any age, but older people are more likely to experience it. Unpleasant sensations occur when the bone tissue becomes thinner, cartilage loses elasticity, and salt deposits accumulate in the joints. Painful sensations are also observed as a result of injuries, due to intense physical exertion, inflammation and deficiency of nutrients.

Recommendations for the prevention of conditions that lead to joint pain:

  • Proper nutrition. Doctors recommend foods rich in fatty acids, calcium, vitamins D and C. These substances improve blood microcirculation, strengthen tissues, and activate collagen synthesis.
  • Physical activity. Loads should be dosed, taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician. Avoid running, lifting heavy weights, and exercises that cause pain. The best alternative is yoga, Pilates, Nordic walking.
  • Physiotherapy. You can take care of your joints at home using the Aurora device, which is a registered medical device with a certificate from Roszdravnadzor. The device affects the joints with ultrasound, red and infrared light.

If you experience pain, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment and recommend physiotherapy.

How Ultrasound Therapy Affects Joints

The impact of ultrasound is widely used in orthopedics for the treatment and prevention of various pathologies (arthritis, arthrosis), as well as recovery from injuries accompanied by pain. This method relieves pain, improves metabolic processes, increases joint mobility. In addition, ultrasound therapy:

  • enhances blood supply in the joint area;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • restores the conductivity of nerve fibers;
  • accelerates the resorption of edema and reduces inflammation;
  • stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

Ultrasound enhances the effectiveness of drugs – this method is called ultraphonophoresis. Ultrasonic waves improve the permeability of cell membranes, which allows the active substance to penetrate deep into the tissues. Also, during the procedure, the receptors lose their sensitivity, which leads to pain relief. At the site of exposure, blood flow improves, so regenerative processes are accelerated, which leads to rapid recovery.

Benefits of red and infrared radiation

With joint pain, phototherapy is also shown – exposure to tissues with pulses of red and infrared radiation. Light waves have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as:

  • improve blood flow at the site of exposure;
  • warm and relax muscle tissue;
  • promote the resorption of edema;
  • activate metabolism;
  • start regeneration processes.

Phototherapy is prescribed for injuries and diseases of the joints in order to speed up recovery. The need for and number of procedures is prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment with ultrasound and light waves at home

Physiotherapy can be done at home using the portable medical device “Aurora. This is a physiotherapy device that replaces three procedures at once – it treats with ultrasound, red and infrared light. The medical device has passed the necessary tests and received a certificate from Roszdravnadzor. It is used for the treatment and prevention of joint diseases that are accompanied by pain, as well as recovery from injuries.

Ultrasonic device “Aurora”:

  • relieves pain spasm;
  • restores the conductivity of nerve fibers;
  • improves regional blood flow;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • triggers metabolism and tissue regeneration;
  • enhances the effect of drugs.

The device is compact and lightweight, has several modes – the switch button is located on the handle. The kit includes Elkorapan physiotherapy gel, which enhances the effect of using the device.

On the site Prodex.ru You can read reviews and order an ultrasound machine with delivery. You can also call on the phone for any questions and get a free detailed consultation. Please consult your doctor before use.

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Photo source: freepik.com



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