The benefits of cheese are multiple, including improving bone health and brain function

Posted by Rania Amer

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 05:00 PM

Cheese is a food rich in calcium and protein that is beneficial for the general health of people, in addition to the fact that cheese has multiple benefits, including improving bone health, promoting Teeth health And it helps lower blood pressure, according to Stylecraze.

The health benefits of cheese

1. Promotes bone health

Cheese is a rich source of calcium, magnesium, vitamins, and protein. It contributes to strengthening bone health in the elderly, children, and pregnant and lactating women. Calcium deficiency and low bone density are factors responsible for osteoporosis. Cheese also contains vitamin D. In addition to vitamin B Found in cheese also helps in promoting bone health

2. It improves dental health

Cheese is a rich source of calcium and may contribute to strengthening teeth. It also helps reduce tooth decay. Chewing cheese may increase the pH levels of the mouth and promote overall oral health. Certain components of cheese may stick to the teeth and protect them from wear.

3. Cheese lowers blood pressure

Sodium and cholesterol can cause high blood pressure. While low-sodium cheese is available that can prevent high blood pressure, the B vitamins in cheese have also been found to be beneficial in reducing high blood pressure.

4. Maintains the balance of the body

Cheese is high in natural fats that may promote weight gain. Some types of cheese contain a low percentage of fat that may help maintain a balanced body weight.

5. Provides essential fats

Cheese is rich in essential fatty acids, such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Studies conducted by Korea University and the University of Massachusetts found that CLA possesses anti-cancer properties, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, regulates immune responses, and reduces body weight.

Another study by the University of Limerick found that essential fats found in dairy products such as cheese may have anti-inflammatory properties. It may also promote cardiovascular health

6. It may reduce the risk of cancer

Cheese contains conjugated linoleic acid and sphingolipids, which play a very important role in preventing cancer. A study by the University of Milan found that sphingolipids may prevent colon cancer in humans.

The calcium content in cheese may help prevent certain types of cancer. One study conducted by the Texas Tech University Health Science Center found that dietary calcium might be a promising candidate in preventing colorectal cancer.

7. It may help during pregnancy

The calcium in cheese is very good for pregnant women. Helps stimulate contractions during labour. Calcium also makes up for the lack of nutrients during lactation. Cheese can be a good choice for pregnant ladies as it contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of the foetus.

8. Boosts the immune system

Some types of cheese are known to boost the immune system. A study conducted showed that a diet containing cheese. Cheese fortified with probiotic bacteria may boost immune health. It may also prevent immunodeficiency (progressive weakening of the immune system) in the elderly.

9. Promotes thyroid health

Adding cheese to your diet may help promote thyroid health. Cheese is a rich source of selenium, which may regulate thyroid function. Selenium has the ability to counteract the development of viruses by aiding the production of thyroid hormones.

10. Improves brain function

Cheese, especially the Camembert variety, may help improve brain function. Camembert extracts may reduce levels of inflammatory cytokines. It may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and improve brain function.

11. Promotes healthy skin

Cheese may promote healthy skin. The B vitamins it contains may aid in cell metabolism and growth. This may give you clear skin.



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