How to relieve stiff neck – Health Blog

Torticollis is a prolonged muscle contraction that affects the muscles of the cervical region. The main muscle affected is the sternocleidomastoid, but also the trapezius, scalenes, and angularis scapula may be affected.

As explained by Lucía Rodríguez, head of the Ribera Polusa Hospital Physiotherapy Service, “this sustained contraction causes muscle shortening, giving rise to an antalgic posture, normally tilting or rotating the head to one side.”

Adrián Ventero, supervisor of Physiotherapy at the Department of Health of Déniaensures that the origin of torticollis “always arises from the abnormal position of the neck and the associated muscle contracture, mainly of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.”

why do we have torticollis

The specialists from the Ribera health group consulted detail the factors that most frequently influence this ailment are:

  • Incorrect postures during an activity maintained over time, mainly when sleeping.
  • Muscle injury caused by poor posture or sudden movement.
  • Traumatic injury or sudden blow (whiplash).
  • Stress or fatigue can predispose to this contracture.
  • Dysfunctions of the peripheral nervous system, which can cause sustained contraction of the sternocleidomastoid.
  • Some congenital abnormalities in babies, which are usually associated with shortening of that muscle.
  • Hereditary by genetic or acquired influence.
  • Bacterial or viral infections.
  • Secondary to a herniated disc at the cervical level

Tips to remove torticollis

The professionals consulted recommend following the tips below to alleviate the discomfort of torticollis, starting at home, and going to a professional when the pain is persistent.

  • Apply local heat in the cervical region, in the form of an electric blanket, bag of seeds or hot water. Its vasodilator effect will increase blood flow in the area and will act beneficially on the affected muscles.
  • Perform gentle mobilizations: moving the head bringing the ear closer to the shoulder on the same side, saying “yes” and “no” with the head, raising the shoulders to the height of the ear and then relaxing them are some of the movements recommended to reduce stiffness in the area .
  • If the pain persists over time, go to a professional to receive a therapeutic massage and a myofascial treatment.
  • You can also resort to the application of ultrasound, analgesic currents, radiofrequency or dry needling. The professional will decide the most appropriate.
  • Functional stretching of the shortened musculature is of special importance.
  • The use of muscle relaxants should always be subject to medical supervision.

Adrián Ventero, Physiotherapy supervisor of the Denia Health Department, recalls that “in the acute phase, torticollis can become very sensitive and painful, but once a few days have passed and with adequate work, normality returns relatively soon ”.

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