“Quoc Co is very close to girls”

For the first time on The Khang Show, the beautiful love story of Quoc Co and Hong Phuong was revealed by them. The couple first met during the Vietnam – Canada cultural exchange tour.

At that time, “Circus Prince” was impressed with Hong Phuong as a female MC with a chubby appearance. He described her as ‘very fat, big belly’. He also secretly guessed that Hong Phuong ate a lot, however, he was “hit by lightning” from time to time.

The month-long tour was a charm for the then 33-34 year old couple. Together they went to take pictures in the famous golden leaf forests of Canada. In the car, Hong Phuong was tired and fell asleep, not knowing when Quoc Co let her lean on her shoulder and stole her fist.

As for Hong Phuong, she was impressed that Quoc Co was a person of outstanding appearance, taking care of Quoc Nghiep’s younger brother every single meal. This is a reliable man, suitable for family life, she thought.

When they returned to Vietnam, they officially started dating. Hong Phuong said that day, she heard many rumors regarding her husband’s “girl murder”. She herself also understands that Quoc Co’s taste is young girls with baby faces and white skin. According to her, perhaps because of fate, Quoc Co “bumped” her – a person whose appearance and personality were not as he had dreamed.

‘Circus Prince’ would like to correct the rumors of ‘spreading around’. He said that a person who is frank in love should meet the right person to say: ‘I like you. Do you like me. He is afraid of wasting time. If not, then go back to practice.”

Quoc Co also agrees that Hong Phuong is not his style. But the artist believes that the things he likes are sometimes not the right things. With Hong Phuong, he feels the harmony, attachment and enthusiasm to the present.

After marrying Quoc Co, Hong Phuong confessed that she had no intention of getting married and planned to be a single mother.

‘I am an independent person in thought, action and very confident regarding myself. So I don’t want anyone to influence the decisions in my life. So before I met Mr. Co, I programmed everything for my upcoming journey,’ she said.

Before landing happily, both Quoc Co and Hong Phuong encountered more or less difficulties on the journey to pursue love.

Hong Phuong said, her family initially did not fully support the two dating, because Quoc Co was never the type of man-in-law that they thought of. The first time Quoc Co came to pick up Hong Phuong to go out, he rode a black motorcycle, which echoed the whole street.

“When he raised his legs and stepped down, my parents looked at me with pitying eyes,” said Hong Phuong.

After the appointment, the female MC received many questions from her parents regarding her boyfriend’s situation and family background. When she revealed that her lover was a circus artist, her parents were even more shocked because the job was too dangerous.

‘My parents don’t want me to go to Mr. Co because of the long road ahead, I don’t know if he will bring happiness to their daughter for the rest of her life,’ she said.

As for Quoc Co, he confessed that he only graduated 12th grade at that time, so when he stood in front of his educated girlfriend, he mightn’t help but worry. “Fortunately, Phuong has accepted to love a circus actor like Co”, Quoc Co expressed.

When the love is big enough, Quoc Co decides to propose to Hong Phuong with the help of Quoc Nghiep and host Nguyen Khang in a big event. This made Hong Phuong very surprised because she understood that her boyfriend was a secretive and cautious person.

‘I don’t think he can stand in front of a thousand people, kneel and say words like in a love novel. That day, for me, was a huge surprise,’ she said.

Host Nguyen Khang said that day was the 6th of Tet. Quoc Co met Nguyen Khang backstage to ask him to cooperate. According to the script, Quoc Co – Quoc Nghiep will perform the act and pretend to fall. At that time, Nguyen Khang will take out the ring and announce the marriage proposal for him.

Entering the marriage with Quoc Co, Hong Phuong chose to stay behind as the rear for her husband. The ‘circus prince’ also admitted that at that time, his wife was very famous and covered all over the newspaper. But she is always skillful, trying to balance so that her husband does not feel shy.

“Phuong has tried to invest in Co – Nghiep, helping the two brothers map out the direction for the 2-year journey,” Quoc Co said. In 2016, following Quoc Co – Hong Phuong got married, soon following, the two cousins ​​Giang set a Guinness world record. Since then, the public has gradually known two Vietnamese circus artists who fought in the international arena.

‘In fact, Co – Nghiep has been playing abroad for many years, but when Phuong, guided by Phuong, Phuong stepped back to push the two brothers up, Co – Nghiep had achievements. It was Phuong’s great sacrifice,” Quoc Co said.

Hong Phuong said that the fact that she stepped back for her husband to shine was not a sacrifice. She saw it as a choice at the right time. From following the Golden Swallow Award to before getting married, it has been 10 years, she has lived her life with passion.

‘Many people ask me if I feel sorry for myself if I stay behind as a rearguard for my husband. I find that when I step back, I feel the value of the people behind the screen,’ she said.

Host Nguyen Khang also feels that MC Hong Phuong has changed a lot following getting married. Before, she had a very big ego, but now she always thinks of others more.

At the end of the program, the guests spent time talking regarding the sweet fruit of their love – two babies, Corn and Strawberry.

Quoc Co said that he wanted to pass on his love of circus to his eldest son, Bap. Therefore, from a young age, father and son often performed circus together. “In addition to training for strength, the circus trains people with steel will and courage to become a true man,” he said.

Talking regarding future orientation, Hong Phuong said that the life expectancy of the circus industry is not long, so her husband is currently practicing business and studying for a master’s degree.



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