Disability: Le Répit, a support space for caregivers – Featured

February 20, 2023

Few structures offer breathing space to caregivers of people with disabilities. In Paris, Le Répit opened just a year ago. A place of exchange, support and help for caregivers as well as for the people they care for on a daily basis. Presentation.

Opened on February 1, 2022, the Répit de la Fondation Rothschild reception structure is located in the heart of the 10th arrondissement of Paris. Mainly financed by department 75 and the ARS of Paris, it is open 6 days a week in order to offer maximum relief to families helping people with disabilities. This establishment is dedicated to welcoming people of all ages, regardless of their disability. It therefore welcomes children, young adults and adults. With the exception of the elderly, “cared for in structures dedicated to old age”explains Lucile Mercier, Managing Director of the Rothschild Foundation.

The purpose of this structure is twofold: first “Welcome people with disabilities and offer them adapted activities”, explains Lucile Mercier. On site, in the motricity room for example but also outside, they are invited to practice various disciplines of adapted sports such as table tennis. Art therapy or animal mediation sessions are also organised. At the same time, the other aspect of the structure consists in “allow caregivers to breathe”to take a break precisely.

In concrete terms, each family can benefit from 90 days of care per year. Welcome days for “many of these families who have put their social life and leisure on hold to take care of their loved one”.

Support and support groups

“For caregivers, we also offer discussion groups as well as outings, with or without their loved one”, continues the CEO of the Rothschild Foundation. Sharing their own daily life and their difficulties with people who are going through much the same thing is beneficial. “It allows you to feel less alone and sometimes to obtain solutions to certain specific concerns. »

Le Répit also helps families who need it with their administrative procedures. Because “many are those who have social difficulties and are not informed that they are entitled to such or such help”specifies Lucile Mercier.

A year following the opening, the structure follows 45 families and can accommodate 12 people every day. “We hope to be able to expand to 60 families”. In order to “meet a real need”, she concludes. A reality illustrated by the figures revealed by a recent study by the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES): one person in seven, aged 15 or over, is disabled in France. One in six adults and one in twenty minors are caregivers.

  • Source : interview with Lucile Mercier, Managing Director of the Rothschild Foundation – DREES

  • Written by : Dominique Salomon – Edited by: Emmanuel Ducreuzet



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