Coconut Oil Uses – Health and Wellness

In this note we leave you 20 uses that you may or may not know regarding this oil.

Help remove purple or bruises, apply directly on it and it begins to fade more quickly.

Use it as a cream in cold weather to give your skin more moisture.

Mix with sugar to make an amazing skin scrub/moisturizer.

You apply around the nails and avoid the appearance of hangnails and heal those that have already appeared.

Rub on your eyelashes to help their growth and strengthening. Kilometer tabs here.

Take a portion of oil and apply all over your scalp and hair, leave it on for 10 minutes to give your hair more life and health.

Put a little on your skin following shaving and say goodbye to irritation.
Put a thin layer around the eyes to prevent and reduce puffiness, bags and dark circles.

If you put this oil on your lips you avoid dryness in cold weather.

Do you dye your hair? apply to the corner of your face and ears to prevent the paint from staining your skin.

Goodbye insects! Mix coconut oil and peppermint oil in equal portions to create a mosquito and insect repellent that is much cheaper and chemical-free than any commercial repellent.

Coconut oil plus almond oil as a cream for soft hands without dryness in cold weather.

Reduces inflation caused by a blow.

Apply to the ends following the shower and prevent them from splitting.

If you have blemishes on your skin, rub a little oil daily to make them fade.

Have you been bitten by a mosquito? Avoid itching by applying to the bite.

Mix in equal parts: coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil and castor oil, use it as soap to wash your face and you will notice softer and healthier skin.

It works as a makeup remover.

It is said that incorporating it into your food helps you lose weight.

Put on your face (beard) before shaving to avoid irritation or cuts.

Fill your index fingers and massage the hundred (head) this helps reduce stress and headaches.

Reduces irritation or itching in scrapes or unexposed wounds.

Use as a mask to prevent or combat acne

Mixed with lemon juice it works to lighten the skin.

Stimulates circulation in the prevention and reduction of varicose veins.

Remember that none of these uses (or some more) are substitutes for medical treatments, your health comes first.
Source: BlogLentil



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