1. Lindsey Dorr-Niro, David Sprecher
February 18, 5-8PM
Wedge Projects: 1448 W Howard St
2. Shonna Pryor: Of Portals And Pathways II: Fiscal Frontiers
February 19, 1-4PM
Evanston Art Center: 1717 Central St, Evanston
3. They have to seek it out
February 18, 6-10PM
Patient Info: 902 N Western Ave
Work by: Rolland Miller and Zeabadiah Keneallys
4. Aesthetics of Loss
February 18, 12-4PM
Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art: 2320 W Chicago Ave
Work by: EBTI, Cassidy Early, Brianna L. Hernández, Linda B. Marcus, Jessica Meuninck-Ganger, Nirmal Raja, and Anders Zanichkowsky
5. Jessi Reaves: All possessive lusts dispelled
February 16, 5:30-8PM
The Arts Club of Chicago: 201 E Ontario St
Hey Chicago, submit your events here.