The latest Steam Deck beta version supports transfer from PC games, eliminating the need to download again

Steam Deck has been loved by many game enthusiasts since its launch. You can download the games you have purchased on it and play them wherever you go. A new feature appeared in the latest Steam Deck beta update last week, allowing you to directly transfer games from your computer to the game console without going through the Steam server, and computers in the same WiFi environment can be freely detected.

The latest Steam Deck beta version supports transfer from PC games, eliminating the need to download once more

Steam Deck now supports streaming games over a local network, allowing you to copy installed games from your PC to Steam Deck without re-downloading them over the network. This feature, bundled with the Steam Deck beta update that rolled out last week, helps reduce the bandwidth used by downloading games, which is especially helpful for those who often re-download a lot of games to their consoles.

To use this feature, you must first change Beta Participation to “Steam Beta Update” from “Account” in the Steam Deck and Steam Client settings on PC. After the function is enabled, you can choose to transfer the installed game, and Steam will automatically check whether there is any computer on the network that has already installed the game, and if so, Steam will start the game copy transfer process.

It is worth noting that this new feature is not only applicable to PC transfer to Steam Deck, but also applicable to computers in the same network environment, so you can freely copy and transfer downloaded and installed Steam games from computer A to the same network Computer B in the environment.Steam details how this works on its support pagenoting that if the device loses connection during the transfer or no more content is available, Steam will transfer to the server to continue downloading the rest of the game.

You can also adjust which computers the Steam Deck or computer can download from in the Settings Downloads tab (see image above). While Steam defaults it to your own devices only, which means you can only stream from devices that are logged into your personal Steam account, you can also set it to only friends and any user. Unfortunately, Steam does not currently support transferring games from Steam Deck or computers in Big Screen mode.

Source: Steam



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