Tolosa Paz: “I can’t imagine a STEP between Alberto Fernández and Massa”

The Minister of Social Development, Victoria Toulouse Peaceheld this Sunday, February 19, that he does not imagine that competition in open, simultaneous and mandatory primaries (PASO) between the president Alberto Fernandez and the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massaalthough he did not rule out that hypothetical scenario in the Frente de Todos either.

“Although Sergio Massa has been saying that he is not a candidate, (but) there is an expectation placed on him if he manages as a political front to accommodate a variable that hits all Argentines such as inflation,” he said.

In any case, he remarked that “there are a few months left” and that the leader of the Renovation Front “is going to wait for the moment when he and the president will clearly define who is going to go” between the two of them. “I do not imagine a competition between the President and his Minister of Economy, but there is still a lack,” said Tolosa Paz.

The table of the Frente de Todos, an essay of truce towards the definition of the presidential candidacy

in dialogue with Eduardo Paladiniin the program “P” sideby Radio Rivadaviathe official confirmed that if the head of state decides to go for re-election, he will automatically be his candidate.

My candidate is Alberto Fernández if he decides to be a candidateI will clearly support his decision,” he said, although he clarified that he “has not said if he will be an internal candidate for the Frente de Todos.”

The dispute over the candidacies in the Frente de Todos

In the event that the President decided to withdraw from the fight, “an offer of candidates” was opened within the Frente de Todos, Tolosa Paz would take time to see which one he has “greater empathy with.”

The one who has already ruled out accompanying is the leader of the Frente Patria Grande and the MTE, Juan Graboiswho has said he is willing to run as a presidential candidate if the vice president Cristina Kirchner and the Minister of the Interior Edward “Wado” of Peter, They do not do it.

“To me, Juan Grabois does not summarize what I think we have to do going forward. But he is part of the Frente de Todos and there will be other compañeros and compañeras who will vote for him because they like his proposals. I will wait to see which candidates appear within the spectrum of the Frente de Todos that synthesize the idea of ​​what we want to do in terms of continuity of what we came to do”, stressed the minister.

“It is not yet known if Massa, if any other minister, if Daniel ScioliYes, Cristina herself. It is not yet defined who the candidates will be,” clarified the head of the Social Development portfolio.

Tolosa Paz arriving at the meeting of the Frente de Todos political table.

Regarding Alberto Fernández, he explained that his eventual electoral participation is not exclusive of that of other candidates within the Frente de Todos, and acknowledged that it would be an exceptional and “singular” situation in history for a sitting president to have to compete with another of the same space in an internal

“It is singular. In our historical process within what Peronism is, we have never seen a situation of this nature. But that it has not happened before does not mean that it does not have to happen now to legitimize a process,” he explained.

Consulted regarding the pressure from La Cámpora and Kirchnerism hard so that Alberto Fernández defines as soon as possible if he will be a candidate or not, Tolosa Paz was harsh when pointing out that it will be the president himself who “manages the times” of the announcement” and stressed that “there is a time left to continue strengthening the management “.

“They may have their truth when it comes to stating that the President must make that decision or announce it long in advance, but that chapter was already closed on the day of the table (Front of All policy). Discuss that once more It doesn’t make much sense because he is the one who manages the times. He feels that there is time left to continue strengthening the management,” he said, and recalled that Néstor and Cristina Kirchner always communicated their electoral decisions on the edge of the legal closures for the registration of candidacies.

“Unity”, Cristina Kirchner’s ban and applause for Máximo: what left the first meeting of the ruling party’s political table

Cristina’s “ban”

About the idea that Cristina Kirchner was “outlawed” by the Justice in terms of electoral participation, Tolosa Paz agreed with that interpretation, despite the fact that nothing would prevent the vice president from going to the electoral Justice and writing down her name as a candidate.

Cristina for us is proscribed while there is a judicial persecution, there is a sentence that weighs on her. Not only have we been maintaining that she is innocent, but in the search for this persecution they make it impossible for the leader of the movement to compete. Although technically she can present herself for the candidacy, we all know that the Chamber that has to confirm the sentence has been demonstrating impartiality, “she considered.

“Our pulse does not tremble when it comes to saying that we have the vice president of the Nation proscribed due to the judicial persecution that was consolidated in the sentence but that started long before this instance,” he concluded.


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