Vitamin C: 5 signs you’re not getting enough vitamin C

Vitamin C is considered one of the most important nutrients for a healthy immune system. It’s in a wide variety of foods. A shortage is therefore extremely rare in this country. Nevertheless, it may be that your body does not have enough Vitamin C receives. We will show you the reasons for this and how you can tell if you are undersupplied.

What you need to know regarding vitamin C:

Why not only the immune system benefits from vitamin C

Did you know that vitamin C is a real beauty booster is that can help you get tighter and firmer skin? It is essential for the synthesis of collagen because it activates the enzymes necessary to trigger collagen formation.

This is one of the most common proteins in your body. Collagen is a important component of connective tissue which holds your skin together and holds together most of the blood vessels, but also joints and bones.

In addition, the vitamin amazing properties in wound healing and can even help prevent negative side effects of too much sun. These include premature skin aging and skin cancer.

This is how vitamin C works once morest viruses and bacteria

Your body cannot make vitamin C on its own, so it’s important to get it from the diet. It can destroy your body in battle support once morest harmful influences and is also needed for your body’s own defense function.

The effect on cold symptoms is particularly interesting. Because: vitamin C makes it Viren and bacteria harder to establish themselves. Therefore, if you take vitamin C regularly, you should get sick less often. Scientists also suspect that the vitamin can help once morest the corona virus.

Vitamin C makes it harder for viruses to establish themselves.

This is how you recognize a nutrient deficiency

You must have learned at school what happens when there is a lack of nutrients: In the 16th to 18th centuries, many seafarers died from the disease scurvy, which occurs due to an acute deficiency of vitamin C. Since they might not take fresh food with them on their months-long sea voyages, sooner or later they were undersupplied. Symptoms included fatigue, weakness, but also bleeding gums and tooth loss.

Further symptoms are:

  • tiredness and weakness
  • Poor wound healing and dry and rough skin
  • High susceptibility to infection
  • Muscle and joint pain and swollen joints
  • Bruising and petechiae (small red spots on the skin)

Even if scurvy no longer occurs in Germany, your body may not be getting enough vitamin C. Reasons are one unhealthy diet with many convenience foods and no fresh fruit and vegetables, but also high alcohol consumption and smoking.

Particular diseases such as celiac disease or Crohn’s disease can also affect the body’s ability to properly absorb nutrients. Also, people undergoing dialysis can be at risk of deficiencies due to the loss of vitamin C during the procedure. Last but not least, stress can increase the need.

Here’s how you can get vitamin C

The daily requirement is 110 mg for men and 95 mg for women. However, you can still eat more, because excess vitamin C is simply excreted.

These vitamin C bombs will help you replenish your supply and reduce vitamin deficiency symptoms. Also, some have Fruits and vegetables have a higher vitamin C content than others. Therefore, the following varieties are recommended:

  • rosehips
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries
  • peppers (especially red ones)
  • Cabbage (turnip greens, kale, Brussels sprouts)
  • citrus fruits
  • berry fruits
  • Spinach

A little hint: You should eat fresh fruit or vegetables raw or juice them and consume them immediately following purchase. Because: Vitamin C is sensitive to light and heat. It is particularly interesting that the absorption and usability of iron is promoted. You should therefore make sure that you always combine vitamin C and iron, e.g. B. a bowl of oatmeal with fresh orange.

sea ​​buckthorn
You don’t have to stick to the specified daily dose, because excess vitamin C is simply excreted.

You should definitely take signs of an iron deficiency seriously, since the Symptoms can restrict you in your everyday life. The right diet is also important to supply your body with all the important nutrients.



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