Former Respawn members form game studio Wildlight Entertainment

A brand new game studio formed by former Respawn game studio membersWildlight Entertainmentrevealing that it has invested in new development project content.

Former Respawn members form game studio Wildlight Entertainment

Wildlight Entertainment members have participated in the creation of “Conqueror Titans” and “APEX Heroes” during their tenure at Respawn in the past. Games such as “Fighting Attack”, including Dusty Welch and Jason McCord, who founded the studio and participated in the production of “APEX Heroes” and “Decisive Moment” series, and are currently the person in charge and game director, and used to be in charge of “APEX Chad Grenier, Game Director of Heroes.

Since most of the members come from Respawn and have rich experience in game development, Wildlight Entertainment is expected to create game works that are expected to be highly anticipated by players.

According to Wildlight Entertainment, it has invested in the development of a new game project and is committed to creating bold and original high-quality games, but the details will not be announced until some time later.

多名前Respawn成員合組遊戲工作室Wildlight Entertainment

Former Respawn members form game studio Wildlight Entertainment

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