In the program As it is They made a special chapter this Saturday from the garden city to continue analyzing the Viña del Mar Festival gala.
Raquel Argandoña and Paty Maldonado were accompanied by Jordi Castell, Marlen Olivari and Pancha Merino, who walked the red carpet the day before.
It was in this context that the actress launched an acid criticism for the participation of Nelson Beltrán, better known as El Colombiano, who was in charge of commenting on the looks with Tonka Tomicic at the gala.
“Speaking of entertainers, this Colombian, I don’t even know his name, because for the worse, nobody knows his name,” Pancha began by saying on the program.
“I thought it was very strange…”
“While I was passing by with my son (Dominic Labbe), he was criticizing and criticizing without foundation because in a gala that is in circular fashion, which is another concept, you cannot destroy a person who is walking, that is the lowest frequency that there is, ”said Merino.
Along the same lines, he added: “He should have a little more respect and I don’t know who put it, I understand that he is a super friend of one of the editors and he is like a little fat, nobody knows his name.”
“But that they put a person to cheer next to Tonka Tomicic, someone that nobody even remembers the name, that everyone calls him ‘The Colombian’, it seemed very strange to me that they put a rooster that is nobody to animate a gala ”, he launched without a filter.
“And he also had the stupidity to criticize everyone and criticize well those he dressed, because also, I think he dressed Rayén Araya, and he just criticized her well. So, it is super inconsistent,” said Pancha.
For her part, Raquel commented that she knew that Beltrán was a make-up artist, mentioning that she would have liked someone like Rubén Campos, a well-known haute couture designer.
“Of course, not ‘the Colombian’ that nobody remembers the name,” said Pancha.