Wirtschaftsbund: Chamber of Labor again has no answer to poverty in old age

Vienna (OTS) “Today’s press hour with Chamber of Labor President Anderl has shown once once more how stuck the Chamber of Labor is in its positions. Instead of discussing possible solutions to the labor shortage, blocking is being done wherever possible: Willing to work longer in old age? Skilled workers moving in from abroad? Make full-time more attractive? All no-gos for the Chamber of Labor. But we won’t get any further as a country like this,” said WB Secretary General Abg.z.Nr. Kurt Egger.

Today’s work-life is tomorrow’s old & poor

“Sooner or later, anyone who voluntarily works part-time because they can make ends meet often falls into the poverty trap. Federal Minister Kocher is right if he wants to start there. We have to be able to address that calmly. In times of skyrocketing wage costs, seeing the solution to all problems in higher wages is a cheap excuse for the AK President and undermines the successes of the Chamber of Labor officials in wage negotiations. Once once more, we can only hope for more constructive forces among workers who see work as something positive and not something to be avoided,” concluded Egger.

Questions & contact:

Austrian Economic Association
Valentin Petritsch, MSc
Spokesman & Head of Communications
+43 1 505 47 96 17



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