Young people defend neutrality more than older people

Those who lived through the Cold War have a different approach to Russia, explains the director of Sotomo Michael Hermann (illustration photo of Russian recruits in training). KEYSTONE/AP sda-ats

This content was published on February 19, 2023 – 12:30


Young Swiss aged 18 to 35 are more critical than those over 55 of Switzerland’s commitment to Ukraine. Those who lived through the Cold War have a different approach to Russia, explains the director of Sotomo.

According to the study published on the Sotomo website, 35% of 18-35 year olds believe that Switzerland violates the principle of neutrality because it has taken over EU sanctions once morest Russia. Among people aged 55 and over, that figure is just 22%, according to the Sotomo research institute.

In total, 29% of the nearly 16,000 people who responded on the Sotomo website from February 13 to 16 believe that Switzerland has violated its neutrality by resuming sanctions. Twelve percent think “rather yes”, 10% “rather no” and 49% are of the opinion that neutrality has not been violated. The survey was conducted by Sotomo on behalf of “SonntagsBlick”.



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