Espionage worries in Munich: China technology around the security conference politics

Radio technology from China is installed around the most important security conference in Germany…

The strictest security measures apply at the Munich Security Conference (MSC): snipers on the roofs, sealed manhole covers and around 5,000 police officers are to ensure that everything runs smoothly and, above all, safely.

But now report it Politico-Portal Politico (like BILD belongs to Axel Springer SE) that radio technology from the controversial Chinese mobile phone manufacturer Huawei is installed around the conference venue.

Unlike the USA, Germany continues to rely on Huawei mobile communications technology. This repeatedly leads to disputes between Berlin and Washington, the USA warns that Huawei might be a gateway for Chinese wireless espionage.

“The dependency on Huawei components in our 5G network still represents an incalculable security risk,” says FDP politician Maximilian Funke-Kaiser (29) to Politico.

Beware of wireless surveillance by Huawei

The China expert Michael Brand (49, CDU) says regarding the company: “Even economically, Huawei is not just any company, but perhaps the most important arm of the communist party to implement global digital surveillance and control of sensitive data traffic ( BILD reported).”

There is no shortage of espionage targets at the Munich Security Conference. This is where politics meets:

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (64, SPD), US Vice President Kamala Harris (58), French President Emmanuel Macron (45) and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (63) have come to discuss the state of the world. Secret service agents and human rights activists are also guests.

According to Politico, the MSC conference hotel “Bayrischer Hof” is within range of 13 mobile phone masts, and there is even a mast on the roof of the luxury hotel!

The radio masts are operated by the major mobile phone providers Telekom, Vodafone and Telefonica. Cellphone specialists interviewed by Politico confirm that at least two of the cell towers have Huawei technology in them.

None of the affected companies wanted to answer Politico’s request regarding how much Chinese technology is actually in the radio towers.

The Americans shouldn’t like that at all: At the end of January, US President Joe Biden (80) imposed a strict export ban on Huawei for highly developed computer chips.



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