After a large-scale operation by the rescue workers, the driver might only be rescued dead from the river, as the Carinthia State Police Directorate announced. What led to the accident was still unclear on Saturday evening.
According to the Olsach-Molzbichl volunteer fire brigade, the vehicle of the man from the Spittal an der Drau district collided with the bridge portal of the Drau bridge at around 5 p.m. on the Drautal Straße (B100) near Mauthbrücken and was catapulted over the bridge railing. Divers from the Carinthia water rescue service were able to locate and rescue the driver around 30 meters downstream from the crash site as darkness began to fall.
The circumstances of the accident had not yet been clarified on Saturday evening. Several police patrols, volunteer fire brigades and water rescue teams, as well as rescue helicopters were deployed.

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