are you paid more or less than the majority of French people? Make comparisons

Regardless of salaries, the French need to compare themselves to others. Neighbour, close friend or colleague, who is better off?

All about salaries

For human resources managers, this analysis of theInsee deserves a look. As soon as it appears, the latter rush on it to devour it. Except that switching from this theory to practice is not easy. Carried out each year by statistics pros, they easily understand the why and how of these wage fluctuations. Currently, because of this cursed astronomical rate of inflation, the French regret that they can no longer meet their needs. Never mind, business leaders intend to motivate them with a small increase. But will that be enough to ease tensions?

If you work in the private sector, the monthly salaries of your colleagues would be around 2524 euros net. If we were to compare it with that after COVID, we notice a slight decrease of 1%. Once again, the main culprit for this variation is the economic context. After doing the test several times, experts come to a similar conclusion. The median salary is 2012 euros. No need to have done extensive studies to understand if we are far above or much less!

For staff representatives, it all depends on the category. Whether for retirement age or wages, managers, intermediate teachers, employees and workers are unfortunately not housed in the same boat. It starts at 4331 and can go down to 1863 euros for the latter. Then, depending on the activity area, there is a significant gap in industry, construction and the tertiary sector. Finally, on the podium, we have the leaders of financial services or information and communication. They easily exceed 3,000 euros.

Women still inferior to men

In the early hours of 2023, women’s rights associations are sounding the alarm. How comea quarter of them receive less than their male right arms? Fortunately, thanks to the initiatives of the brilliant Marlène Schiappa, things start to move.

Here, we think in particular of the Rixain law. First, she asks CAF recipients to come forward. Sending an accurate bank account statement helps avoid getting into trouble. Then, for women, this kind of directive pleads in their favor. At least with her they feel safeespecially given their low salaries.

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As if to justify the differences between payslips, INSEE is trying to find arguments. Let’s quote “the effect of professional segregation and inequalities, the structure, the size of the company, the age of the employee and the conditions for returning to work. » Regarding wages, given the ambient gloom in front of the coffee machine, we can’t wait for things change and evolve !

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