Funny advertising ideas from Berlin companies – Live Berlin


Regional ties are always well received in marketing measures. There are countless funny ideas for Berlin that even the city cleaning department took advantage of.

It can be humor with a “Berliner Schnauze”.

Berlin stands for diversity, hustle and bustle and, above all, unconventional language. “Berliner” is in, is charming and it should be the same with the messages in SEO marketing.

It can be extremely provocative, especially in Berlin. Ex-Mayor Klaus Wowereit showed the way: Berlin. Poor but sexy. Berlin companies can take up this provocative tonality to match their products.

Provocatively colorful in design and furnishings

Anyone who deals with interior and beautiful design can cause a stir with the slogan “Do something against ugliness” and a picture of a typically dirty corner of Berlin. Why not add a splash of color to your own four walls with beautiful fabrics and great furnishing ideas?

Advertise culinary

Everyone knows the cult food from Berlin: the currywurst. Why not launch an effective attack against cult food? “Curry collapse? We’ll help with … .” – this is how other exciting food creations can be evaluated, which may soon advance to a new cult with the right marketing.

Flowery with a difference

Berliners are known for their iconic dialect. If you want to advertise regionally, you can use the typical Berlin statements. “”I’m janz blümerant.”” – this sentence is ideal to advertise the new flower shop.

Organic is cult – also in Berlin

A typical saying for Berliners: “It has its balls.” This does not mean the chicken eggs, but rather the snags. Nevertheless, this saying can be optimally used for a new cult organic brand. Him together with a funny design of eggs or chicken in one picture – the new Berlin original is ready.

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“Janz Berlin is a cloud!” – joie de vivre ahead in Berliners

It’s about a new cult product that stands for pure joie de vivre? The appropriate saying in Berlin dialect is also included as an message: “Janz Berlin is a cloud!”

The message is optimally staged with the fluffy cloud on which the product is enthroned and which suggests the delicate outlines of the Berlin skyline.


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