When souls get stuck in the dirt

Author and director Eleonore Khuen-Belasi doesn’t make it easy for her audience: The piece, which premiered on Thursday on the balcony of the Phoenix Theater, is as unwieldy as the title “blind gang boom, once we were golden”.

In the piece, which oscillates between absurd comedy and brutal seriousness, a princess reminiscent of Lady Diana, a mole and a dud bomb revolve around a wealth of topics, e.g. the difficult handling of the past – symbolized by the dud. The author formulates its danger, sometimes pointedly, sometimes drastically: “Here, where we are now, here many bodies died and their souls got stuck in the dirt.” Lara Sienczak (Mole), Tamara Semzov (Lady Die) and Lukas Weiss (Duds) play intensely and multifaceted. Long applause.

  • Conclusion: Complex piece that scores with precise, pointed language and dense acting
  • More appointments until the end of April, information at theater-phoenix.at


Herbert Schorn

Culture and Life Editor

Herbert Schorn

Herbert Schorn


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