A Trailer For Eleventh Hour, Season 4 Of Battlefield 2042

If there’s one thing Battlefield 2042 can do, it’s sell us its game with its trailers. We may know that he is not exceptional, the video frankly makes you want to play his fourth season, entitled Eleventh Hour.

This teaches us that in addition to the rework of Discardeda new card will be available, Flashpoint, and that it will have a large circular hole in which vehicles can be dropped. Speaking of which, a new Armored Combat Infantry (VBCI) will be on hand to dash the hopes of foot players. The fourth season will also see the arrival of a new specialist, capable of preventing enemy devices from locking. She will also have the ability to use a tracer dart launcher, which looks more like a grenade launcher than anything else. New weapons are also included, such as the Super 500, a very short shotgun for very close combat.

Eleventh Hour, the fourth season of Battlefield 2042, will be available on February 28. If you want more info, feel free to search the site d’Electronic Arts.



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