Project of the Second major site of the central administration of the ministries in charge of social affairs

The first consultation, conducted from December 19, 2022 to January 13, 2023, was the subject of a report.

This report will be available online, on the project website. and on the website of the Hauts-de-Seine prefecture.

The State having taken the measure of the observations made by the public regarding the consultation methods implemented during the consultation launched on December 19, 2022, a new consultation on the compatibility of urban planning documents will take place from 6 to 20 March 2023.

The presentation note for the compatibility of urban planning documents will be available online, on the project website and on the website of the Hauts-de-Seine prefecture.

The dedicated website to the project, www.secondsiteministeresociaux-concertation.frallows consult all documents and information relating to previous consultations and the project as a wholeas well as the compatibility of urban planning documents.

Order taking stock of the public consultation relating to the (…)

pdf download
(445.6 ko)

Review of the consultation from December 2022 to January 2023

pdf download
(783.4 ko)

Order relating to the objectives and methods of consultation concerning the (…)

pdf download
(543.3 ko)

Presentation note of the consultation relating to the compatibility (…)

pdf download
(1021 is)



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