GIMAS launches the Aerospace African Forum

Speaking on this occasion, Karim Cheikh, President of GIMAS declared: “It is the mobilization of all our members, the obligation to reinvent themselves that made us aware of the need to create an international event of exchange and sharing linking all decision-makers in Africa with those in this sector who embody the best of globalization”.

“The Aerospace African Forum is part of a dynamic response that we are bringing to contribute to the new ecological and economic revolution that is shaking our Earth,” said Mr. Cheikh, quoted in a GIMAS press release.

Exchange with global aerospace players, meet African decision-makers, find the right partners, present the latest technological offers, discover the most relevant innovations… All this in less than a day, that’s the concept of Aerospace African Forum.

The theme of “Sustainable Mobility” was chosen for this first edition, the press release specifies, stressing that GIMAS, the Responsible Industrial Federation, “affirms that the aerospace sector has fully taken into account the climatic, social, economic and health challenges. that are disrupting our planet”.

Thus, continues the same source, “sustainable responses, particularly in this capital subject of mobility, are at the heart of its approach. The African potential in aerospace and defense in this new framework that sovereignty requires, constitutes one of the great challenges of this century, the aviation of the future, at the heart of connected mobility, synonymous with freedom, is here a necessity. . With this conviction: only a disruptive innovation will make it possible to reconcile environmental urgency and imperative of development that humanity expects”.

At the heart of Morocco’s aerodynamics, Casablanca, a pivotal city for Europe and Africa, widely open to the Atlantic, hosts the Aerospace African Forum, which aims to be a global meeting largely open to the Africa, as well as a crossroads of innovation for all types of mobility, airport structures, space, aeronautics, connectivity, defence, security, environmental subjects… An event in the image of the dynamic of Africa nourished by many problems, rarely approached elsewhere.

What are African expectations regarding the technological offer? How to co-construct the development of the continent? What know-how does Morocco propose to share in international programs? When will aviation be decarbonized? Is Africa connected, the new Eldorado of sustainable mobility? So many topics that will be addressed by the world’s leading experts.

“To better share, better radiate, the free, live broadcast of the debates will allow a wide audience, in particular the younger generations, and partner universities to access the exchanges of the participants. With the Aerospace African Forum, for the first time, Africa brings together the major players in the aerospace sector and builds into the future”, concludes the press release..



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