Crime of Lucio Dupuy: they will announce the life sentence for the mother and her girlfriend

The Santa Rosa Court of Hearing that was in charge of the trial for the crime of Lucio Dupuy, the 5-year-old boy murdered in that Pampas city in November 2021, will announce the sentences that the mother of the victim and her couple, and the expectation is centered on knowing if the judges will apply the “indefinite time” to the safe sentence to life imprisonment.

The last public hearing will be held within the framework of another popular mobilization in front of the doors of the Judicial Center of the Pampean Capital, convened from 10 o’clock by the Civil Association “Lucio Dupuy”, which was created by his grandfather Ramón to fight for the rights of childhoods, and which will have as its slogan “Let justice be done – Life imprisonment for the murderers”.

Lucio’s assassins

The defendants were found guilty by a popular jury and tomorrow the hearings will close with the imposition of sentences by the Court of Hearing, made up of Alejandra Ongaro, Daniel Sáez Zamora and Andrés Olié, which will have a broadcast open to the public through the link.

The father of the child Christian Dupuy will participate in the hearing; his paternal grandparents, Ramón Dupuy and Silvia Gómez; the plaintiff lawyer, José Mario Aguerrido; the Public Prosecutor’s Office team, made up of Máximo Paulucci, Verónica Ferrero, Marcos Sacco and Walter Martos; and the advisors for Children and Adolescents, Graciela Massara, and Gabriela Manera.

The defendants are not required to attend the hearing in Santa Rosa and can follow it from the San Luis prison.

On February 2, when they were found guilty, they did not even follow her remotely, preferring to continue with their routines in prison.

After learning of the sentence, deputies from the ruling party and the pampas opposition presented two requests for judge Ana Clara Pérez Ballester to be subjected to impeachment for her intervention in the process to grant Lucio custody to his mother in 2020.

In addition, almost 100,000 people have already joined a petition that was launched through the platform to support the dismissal of Judge Pérez Ballester.

life order

On February 13, the prosecutor Verónica Ferrero requested that the two defendants be sentenced to life imprisonment because, in the face of the crimes committed, the Penal Code only provides for that sentence.

The private plaintiff lawyer, representing the Dupuy family, José Mario Aguerrido, adhered to the proposal of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, but added the requirement that the penalty be imprisonment for an indefinite period of time, an alternative provided for in article 52 of the CP, relative to 80.

He founded it, among other reasons, on the extent of the damage caused to “an absolutely vulnerable boy”, adding that Lucio’s death was the end of a process of child abuse.

For her part, the official defender Silvina Blanco Gómez, asked the Court to quantify the sentence that would correspond to Páez, because she understood that if life imprisonment were applied “with the regulations in force today in the country” “he will only get out of jail with his death, since currently the life sentence is materially and literally perpetual.”

In addition, he requested that this quantification be the minimum due to the lack of a criminal record and the age of the accused (28 years); and affirmed that the Supreme Court has already established the unconstitutionality of imprisonment for an indefinite period of time.

Finally, the official defender Pablo De Biasi, speaking for Espósito Valenti, offered similar arguments and required that “a sentence in years” be set for him, which agreed that “life imprisonment established by the Penal Code is unconstitutional” since “international treaties prevent the application of cruel, inhuman and degrading punishments”.


In turn, Páez was declared the material author and criminally responsible for the crime of homicide doubly qualified for treachery and cruelty; in real competition with the crime of sexual abuse with carnal access by anal route, executed with a phallic object, aggravated for being the guardian and for having been committed once morest a minor under 18 years of age, taking advantage of the pre-existing situation of coexistence, as a crime continued.

brutal murder

Lucio Dupuy (5) was murdered on November 26, 2021 at the house on Allan Kardec Street at 2300 Santa Rosa, where he lived with his mother and her partner.

The movements of the convicts and Lucio were recorded by a camera located in front of the apartment, and thanks to them it was possible to conclude that at 5:32 p.m. Lucio was seen alive for the last time.

They considered it accredited that between that moment and 7:40 p.m., when both defendants left the apartment alone, Lucio was brutally beaten.

According to the grounds of the judges’ ruling, Abigail Páez took his girlfriend by motorcycle to work as a waitress in a hotel restaurant in the Pampas capital and returned alone at 8:49 p.m., when she tried to revive the child and put him under the shower.

At 9:30 p.m. he left with Lucio in his arms for the care center in the Río Atuel neighborhood, attached to the department, but it was closed, for which he was referred to the Evita Hospital, where at 9:45 p.m. it was found that he was already dead.

The Justice established that the two participated in the fatal beating, between 6 and 7 pm on November 26 and that the boy received punches, kicks and blows with a stick.

He also received a stomp on the back by Abigail Páez (it might be determined by the imprint left by his shoe), which caused internal injuries such as tearing his liver and, in addition, he was bitten in his intimate areas and on his left arm. .

The Court of Hearing, in the judgment of 126 pages, established that the child was a recurring victim of physical, psychological and sexual violence and determined that a “crescendo of violence” might be noticed, in light of the chats between the two accused , aired during the trial, starting in mid-October 2021.



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