A study reveals how intermittent fasting affects fatty liver patients

09:02 p

Friday, February 17, 2023

A recent study published in the journal Cell Metabolism revealed that people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease who alternated fasting and exercise were able to improve their health.

Nutrition researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago referred to their findings in the study, that patients who exercised and underwent, over a period of three months, a type of intermittent fasting, known as alternating fasting that relies on a fasting day and then an eating day in which calories are determined by 500 calories or less, they experienced an increase in insulin sensitivity and a decrease in liver fat, weight and ALT reading, which are alanine aminotransferase enzymes that are indicative of liver disease.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is a buildup of fat and inflammation in patients who drink little or no alcohol.

Approximately 65% ​​of obese adults suffer from this disease, and this condition is strongly linked to the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. If left unchecked, fatty liver disease can lead to more serious complications such as cirrhosis or liver failure, but there are limited good drug options for treating this condition, according to Russia Today.

Study author Krista Varadi, a professor of nutrition in the College of Applied Health Sciences, called the results “absolutely amazing”. She said: “When we compared the results of our study groups, we clearly found that the most improved patients were in the group that followed the alternate fasting regimen and exercised five days a week. Those who dieted or exercised only did not see the same improvements, which reinforces the importance of these two inexpensive adjustments.” Relatively in the lifestyle on general health and the fight once morest chronic diseases such as fatty liver disease.

Varadi said the study did not test whether rotational fasting was better or worse than other diets when combined with exercise, but she was surprised to see so few participants who dropped out of the study.

In addition to seeing improved metabolic indicators, the study authors also noted that there were no serious safety events during the trial, and patients were able to safely maintain diet and exercise for the three-month study, which Varadi believes is an indication that an intervention may be an option. Good for those with fatty liver disease who want to improve their health without using medications that can have side effects.

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