4 common health problems

Learn regarding possible emergencies during Valentine’s Day, so you can prevent them and enjoy healthy love.

When Valentine's Day Goes Wrong: 4 Common Health Problems

Last update : February 16, 2023

A Valentine’s Day gone wrong doesn’t always mean the end of a relationship. But small mistakes or negligence can cause health emergencies and accidents that are avoidable with some caution.

The preparation of this party can start several days before. By applying certain rules of care, you will prevent injuries and illnesses, which, however unlikely it may seem, are quite common.

However, the good news is that, according to a study, people have fewer heart attacks during Valentine’s Day and the two days following. Find out now which health problems you can avoid.

1. When Valentine’s Day goes wrong because of candles

Using candlelight for a romantic Valentine’s dinner seems inevitable. Nothing better than a dark environment with an exquisite dish to celebrate love.

However, candles are decorative elements that require our attention. Leaving them on for a long time or bringing them close to flammable objects might cause a disaster.

Skin injuries caused by the flame must also be taken into account. Accidental candle burns are usually not that bad, but they would ruin a special moment.

We can take the example of Christmas in some European countries where it is customary to light candles for Advent wreaths. In Switzerland, patients treated for burns from these ornaments had an average of 18.9% affected body surface area. Although the mortality rate is not high, the authors of the statistical survey point out that celebration dates are associated with more extensive burns.

What can you do then? Take these basic precautions if lighting candles:

  • Use candle holders so that the spill falls in the same place.
  • Do not bring candles into the bedroom, as they are more likely to come into contact with flammable objects.
  • Keep them away from children and pets.
Candles create atmosphere, but you have to remember to put them out when dinner is over.

2. Yes, Valentine’s Day can also go wrong because of food.

Some go to restaurants. Others prefer to cook at home and dazzle their partner with a preparation worthy of a professional.

Either way, Valentine’s Day can go wrong because of food, either on the day itself or a few days later. The reason is that food allergies and poisonings don’t take a vacation.

Regarding poisoning, it should be remembered that it is the ingestion of a micro-organism or a toxin produced by oneself and deposited in the food that one eats. Cases can be mild and manifest as gastroenteritis that improves within 24 hours, or severe and life threatening.

Although anyone can be poisoned, there are groups at greater risk:

  • Pregnant women
  • People over 65
  • Patients with diseases that compromise the immune system

So if your Valentine meets any of these conditions, pay attention to the preparation of dinner. If you go to a restaurant, make sure it’s a trusted place, licensed by the food authority in your area.

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Ask regarding allergies

If you don’t know your partner very well yet, find out regarding their food allergies.

To give you a general idea, 10.8% of adults suffer from a food allergy. Dried fruits and fish are the foods most associated with this problem. So a chocolate with almonds or walnuts underneath or a salmon preparation might be enough to hamper the festivities.

Don’t be overwhelmed by shyness. Even if it is the first date, find out regarding any allergies your date. In short, take care of each other.

3. Alcohol can ruin romance

Many believe that without a glass of wine it is difficult to celebrate Valentine’s Day. More generally, there are parties for which it seems unavoidable to resort to an alcoholic drink.

There is also the myth that alcohol acts as a sexual stimulant. However, this substance does not improve performance during sexual intercourse, and is associated with a reduced ability to reach orgasm and delayed arousal.

In the event that you opt for a little alcohol at Valentine’s Day dinner, it will be essential not to drive followingwards or to carry out activities that involve the risk of trauma. Consumption of spirits, wines and beers decreases reflexes and is associated with reduced responsiveness to maneuvers requiring attention.

Research states that with only 0.05% blood alcohol content, the risk of a car accident is high. Therefore, the recommendation is clear: drink or drive.

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4. Valentine’s Day goes awry when the social pressure is overwhelming

It’s not just physical health that can be negatively impacted when celebrating Valentine’s Day. We must also comment on the mental aspect.

Loneliness is not a problem for everyone. However, some messages associated with romance insist that we need to be in a relationship and have a plan for February 14th.

An analysis of tweets posted around Valentine’s Day revealed that users of the social network placed a high priority on exchanging gifts for the date.

In parallel, another study revealed that men between 30 and 40 years old were very affected in the weeks following the event if they had not received any gift, suffering from symptoms compatible with those of depression.

This Valentine’s Day blues has no other explanation than culture. It’s fine to celebrate love as a couple, but it doesn’t have to be the norm. Not having a plan for February 14 does not mean an empty life.

If you are showing symptoms of extreme sadness and are overly concerned regarding this celebration, tell someone. There are help lines with mental health professionals.

Sadness due to celibacy must be carefully assessed. Is it due to social pressure or because you really want to have a partner?

Don’t Let Health Issues Ruin Your Valentine’s Day

Candlelight accidents, alcohol consumption and food allergies can be prevented or controlled. When it comes to loneliness or depression, there are strategies to improve self-esteem.

Take precautions, reduce risks and enjoy the love. Here’s what the experts say:

Love can activate areas of the brain responsible for emotion, attention, motivation and memory, and can serve to control the autonomic nervous system, i.e. reduce stress.

~ Esch T, Stefano GB. Love promotes health. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2005 ~

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