Steam love simulation “AInder” chats with AI-generated beautiful girls, but she may be a locomotive girl | 4Gamers

The advancement of the AI ​​industry has greatly affected technology and electronic entertainment. After DLsite had an adult game created and drawn by AI that attracted attention, it is now the turn of the Steam platform to step in. A love simulation game called “AInder” allows players to chat with AI-generated two-dimensional beautiful girls (pictures), but they may not all be normal humans.

“AInder” is an independent work developed by Japan’s Killinzy Company, but the game itself supports traditional and simplified Chinese, and the Chinese game name “Ainder” has a strong sense of homophony, so it may be named by developers who are familiar with Chinese.

According to the description, “AInder” is a love simulation chat game designed for people who “don’t know how to date girls”. It claims that no matter how bad your communication skills are, AI girls will sincerely accompany you to practice conversations.

And “AInder” is basically a pure visual novel gameplay. All dialogues are developed through “choices”. Its interface is also very close to dating apps. You can match and chat with many AI girls at the same time.

However, judging from the screenshots released so far, these “dialogues” are very strange, at least not the way normal people speak, nor do they look like text written by humans.

The game claims that there are more than 10,000 AI vertical drawings for players to choose, because they are all generated by AI, so the development team has no cost problem.

Since they are all generated by AI, it is not surprising that the paired AI girl also has a “locomotive girl”.


Of course, it is impossible for the development team to develop unlimited dialogue and progress for each AI-generated girl, so the game is probably to improve its level through continuous matching. The official claims that the higher the rank, the cuter and more interesting the girl you will be paired with.

If you are really interested, you can pay attention to it following the game is released on March 14. Maybe the “noodle-eating girl” that appeared in some AI drawing memes in the past has become a matching object, just as an AI-generated work, “AInder “The quality may not be expected too much.



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