a Moroccan in police custody

Pierre Palmade was transferred to Melun hospital in Seine-et-Marne on Wednesday and placed in a room guarded by police 24 hours a day. He must be heard by investigators on the serious accident he caused . The police notified him of his custody for “homicide and involuntary injuries” at the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital (Val-de-Marne) where he was admitted following the accident. He will be brought before the Melun judicial court on Thursday or Friday where his indictment and his placement in pre-trial detention might be ordered, let it be known. The Parisian.

Investigators are trying to understand the causes of the accident which occurred on Friday evening on the opposite lane of the RD372 in Villiers-en-Bière, when the comedian ran into the vehicle of a family of Turkish origin coming from in the opposite direction, causing four serious injuries, including a pregnant woman who lost her child. Did Pierre Palmade show negligence, lack of lucidity or was disturbed by one of the two passengers, including a Moroccan? According to a toxicological report, the three passengers in the vehicle consumed drugs.

To read: Paris: a Moroccan butcher in police custody following stabbing his colleague

Pierre Palmad feels “shame” and “will assume all the consequences of his act”, assures his sister in a press release. For the moment, he continues to be heard in his secure room to which only his lawyer, Me Céline Lasek, has access. The two other passengers, who had fled following the accident, were identified by the Melun prosecutor’s office and placed in police custody on Wednesday for “failure to assist a person in danger”. The first, a 33-year-old Moroccan named Mohcine E.-A and in an irregular situation, was arrested in the town of Clichy (Hauts-de-Seine). He has no record.

The second, a certain Sambou G., 34, went himself to the Melun police station. Of French nationality, he is on file for drug-related offences. A 38-year-old man and his 6-year-old son, as well as a 27-year-old pregnant woman are the passengers of the vehicle hit by Pierre Palmade’s Peugeot 3008. The first two are still in intensive care. The woman is safe and sound, but has lost her child. An expertise will be practiced to determine if the baby was the victim of a manslaughter.



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