Homemade cream to eliminate wrinkles and flaccidity from the face

modern life

The years usually arrive accompanied by marks on the skin and face, which can be counteracted with the help of natural products.


Over the years, wrinkles appear on people’s faces, which becomes one of the first alerts to give more dedication to the skin and different areas of the face, since this is one of the first warnings of aging

In the same sense, said wrinkles are defined as expression lines or folds that form in the skin as a result of the passing of the years. However, this is the result of the loss of properties such as the elasticity that characterizes it, as well as the hydration of the skin itself, which makes it more fragile, as explained by the Mayo Clinic, a non-profit organization dedicated to to clinical practice, education and research.

It should be noted that anti-aging or aging of the skin is not only the definition of expression lines on the face or different parts of the body, since this is also accompanied by spots, coloration and changes in the skin. It’s may be due to aging, exposure to the sun or other sources of ultraviolet light, or unknown causes, according to Medline Plus, the US National Library of Medicine.

At this point it is very important to highlight one of the most useful and significant proteins for prolonging the arrival of aging. It is time to introduce collagen, a fundamental substance to counteract the effects that the passing of the years brings.

According to specialists in skin issues, collagen is a protein whose function is to provide strength and elasticity to the skin. There, it is very important to emphasize that this substance is not only present in the skin, but also in the nails and ligaments.

For this reason and according to the portal your healthit is important to note that the function of collagen is essential for well-being for cartilage, tendons, and bones, therefore, when there is a deficit of this protein, diseases such as arthritis appear.

However, for the recovery of the skin and to avoid the wrinkles and flaccidity that come with the years, it is important to pamper the skin and resort to recipes and natural options to counteract expression lines, spots and also give collagen a hand to improve skin elasticity.

In this sense, it is worth highlighting a natural recipe for a homemade cream that helps to balance the passing of the years.

  • Chopped cucumber: half cup.
  • Agua: half cup.
  • Vitamin E: 1 capsule, which can be obtained at a pharmacy.
  • Aloe vera (aloe): for the recipe you need half a cup of the substance that is inside an aloe vera stalk.
  • Mix the water, cucumber and half a cup of aloe vera in a blender.
  • Stop the blender when it is observed that there is a homogeneous solution.
  • Following this, pour the substance from the Vitamin E capsule into the solution obtained from the mixture of the first ingredients.

For the application of the cream it is very important to wash the face before using it on the face. It is important to remember that the natural recipe should be used in the most affected areas.

Last and least important, the cream should be used at night just before going to sleep, so it should be washed off with water just when you get up.

It should be remembered that the information provided in the above content is not a substitute for medical advice and, for your part, it is best that you can consult a health expert.

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