Funeral services earn hundreds of billions, businesses selling condoms lose profits

Another enterprise with a rather special business profession, whose shares are listed on the stock exchange is Hai Phong Funeral Joint Stock Company (CPH), which specializes in performing the functions of management and organization of funeral services. burial, re-creation, cremation, funeral transportation, cemetery management, provision of funeral goods and services…

By the end of 2022, net revenue of equitization reached VND 152 billion, up 36% compared to 2021. In which, revenue from selling goods such as sarcophagi and dolmens accounted for more than half with VND 81 billion; revenue from service provision reached nearly 69 billion dong, the rest was sales of semi-finished products more than 2 billion dong.

After deducting administrative expenses and cost of goods sold, equitization achieved 10.8 billion dong of profit following tax, an increase of 20% compared to the previous year. Setting a target of 2022 with revenue of 110 billion dong and profit following tax of 8.9 billion dong, CPH completed 138% of revenue plan and 121% of profit plan.

On the stock market, equitized shares have almost no transactions, standing at 300 dong/share.

Gold votive business increased profit sharply

Also trading in specific products related to spirituality such as equitization, Yen Bai Forestry Products Joint Stock Company (CAP) has business results for the first quarter of the year 2022-2023 (from October 1 to December 31, 2022). ) with revenue of more than 158 billion dong, down 4% over the same period.

In which, the revenue of votive paper products is VND 25,146 billion; In addition, the revenue of cassava starch products brought in more than 52 billion dong in revenue. Profit following corporate income tax for this accounting period reached VND 20 billion, up 18.3% over the same period.

Yen Bai Agro-Forestry Products Joint Stock Company, formerly known as Yen Bai Paper Factory, was established in 1972. In 1994, the factory was re-established and renamed Yen Bai Forestry Agro-Food Processing Company; October 2004 transformed into Yen Bai Forestry and Agricultural Products Joint Stock Company.

At the end of the trading session on February 14, CAP shares reached a price of 72,600 VND/share.



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