Every month I give my mother-in-law 5 million, when I return to my hometown to see her holding this, I decided not to give any more money

However, her mother-in-law is a thrifty person, and she doesn’t dare to buy a new shirt and wear it, so that money is rarely touched by her. Well, my wife and I just send it, in case our parents use it when they are sick, such as medicine. But last weekend when I returned to my hometown, I changed my mind and decided not to send money back to my husband’s parents anymore.

Not that that day, my wife and I went home earlier than usual, when we got home, our mother-in-law was nowhere to be seen. After sitting for a while, she saw her mother-in-law returning, holding a bottle of medicine and a milk carton. As soon as she saw us, she excitedly boasted:

– There was a company in the neighborhood that opened a workshop, so my mother went to see it. They sell milk with tonic. The shopkeeper said these things are very good, eat and sleep well, in general, anyone can drink. At first, my mother regretted not buying it, but when I heard them introduce it, I saw that this drug had many uses, so I bought it and tried it, but these days, I have been having a hard time sleeping.

I picked up the medicine bottle and the milk carton to see, immediately understanding that my mother-in-law was deceived. Some types of milk, this medicine is a floating product, of unknown origin, if you drink it, you will get sick, but you will not be sick. I explained to my mother and then told her to throw it all away, but I didn’t expect my mother-in-law to get angry with me:

– How can it be fake, the whole company has dozens of employees here to offer and make such a big conference. I know how many people buy goods and feel good after drinking, they even play videos for their mother to watch. Besides the health and life problems of people, who would make fake medicine to deceive people? Or do you see that my mother spends too much money and regrets it?

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I was really angry when I heard my mother-in-law say that, this is the first time the mother-in-law has had a disagreement. My husband had to explain until my mother understood and then apologized to me. From that day on, I decided not to give money to my mother-in-law anymore, instead of letting her take the money and then being tricked into buying miscellaneous items, I would buy it and send it back to my hometown.

But through this, I feel so bad, I should have been more concerned about my mother’s health. If that was the case, my mother wouldn’t have to buy tonics and milk and be cheated like that, fortunately I found out in time otherwise I don’t know what would have happened if she drank those floating goods.

According to the Vietnam Times

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