Shocking video.. Slaughtered donkeys on the side of the road cause terror in Egypt

The tweeters feared that these donkeys had been slaughtered with the aim of selling them to citizens, while it became clear through the clip that the slaughtered donkeys were completely skinned, and the slaughtering process may have been carried out with the aim of benefiting from their skins.

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Once once more, slaughtered donkeys found lying on the side of the road in one of the cities of Egypt raised terror and fears of the possibility of selling their meat to citizens in light of the high prices of meat in general.

The pioneers of the communication sites shared a shocking video of a number of newly slaughtered donkey heads, in the twelfth district of the Build Your House area in the Tenth of Ramadan City, Sharkia Governorate, north of Cairo.

The tweeters feared that these donkeys had been slaughtered with the aim of selling them to citizens, while it became clear through the clip that the slaughtered donkeys were completely skinned, and the slaughtering process may have been carried out with the aim of benefiting from their skins.

The incident brought to mind similar incidents that occurred and were repeated a lot recently in Egypt, and raised fears of the spread of fraud and the sale of donkey meat as an alternative to cattle meat, whose prices rose at a great pace due to the liberalization of the exchange rate and the exacerbation of the fodder crisis.

Months ago, the pioneers of the communication sites circulated a video clip of two donkeys without skin in a village in the Sharkia Governorate as well, specifically next to a water drain in the city of Abu Kabir, which made the people ask the authorities to intervene for fear of selling their meat in the markets.

In the year before last, the pioneers of the communication sites circulated a video of slaughtered and skinned donkeys in a city in the Minya governorate, south of Cairo, and before that, the security services in the Buhaira Security Directorate, north of Cairo, arrested a gang that specialized in slaughtering donkeys and exploiting their skins for commercial purposes.

The Egyptian authorities were able to seize several gang formations that specialized in slaughtering and skinning donkeys and selling their meat in the governorates of Fayoum, Minya, Beheira, Gharbia and Sohag.



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