Myasnikov named three dangerous complications of measles

Three dangerous complications that the measles virus can cause, in program “About the most important thing” on the TV channel “Russia 1” was called by the doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov.

“In 25-30 percent of patients, measles occurs with complications. The most common and formidable is viral pneumonia. Second is diarrhea. And the most dangerous complication is panencephalitis (usually a fatal disease of the central nervous system, approx. “Moslenty”), which manifests itself approximately eight years following the person has had the disease, ”said the specialist.

Measles can also be transmitted without direct contact with an infected person. It is enough to be in the place where the measles patient was previously, and even two hours following that. The risk of infection in an unvaccinated person approaches 100 percent, the expert continued.

According to Myasnikov, Russians born before 1957 are immune to the disease because they have either been vaccinated or have been ill. Those born following 1957 should be tested for measles antibodies, and vaccinated if not previously vaccinated.

Earlier, the leading expert of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics of Rospotrebnadzor, Margarita Provotorova, called mandatory vaccinations for the adult population, which must be done following 30 years.



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