Through a new expertise, Neruda’s family affirms that the poet was poisoned and points to “state agents”

A recent review by international experts would provide new clues regarding the controversial death of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. In 2017, another panel of experts had detected a bacterium, responsible for botulism, in the writer’s tooth, which had led to questioning the version installed until then, regarding a death caused by prostate cancer.

“We know now that the ‘clostridium botulinum‘ would not have to have been in Neruda’s skeleton. What does this mean? That Neruda was assassinated, there was an intervention in 1973 by state agents“, said Rodolfo Reyes, nephew of the poet.

Pablo Neruda assassinated? 8 facts suggest that the Chilean poet did not die of cancer

Clostridium botulinum is a bacillus that usually resides in the soil, but experts from McMaster University (Canada) and the University of Copenhagen concluded in the report to be released this week that “it did not leak into Neruda’s corpse from within or around his coffin”but he already had it before he died.

The unknown remains how and by whom the botulinum toxin was introduced into the body of the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.

Neruda’s fatal bullet was found, that he had it in his body. Who shot it? That will be seen soon, but there is no doubt that Neruda was killed. Intervention directly from third partiesReyes warned.

Pablo Neruda with his last wife, Matilde Urrutia.

Neruda would not have died of cancer, according to his relatives

Manuel Araya, former driver of Pablo Neruda, was the one who introduced the poisoning version of the poet, validated by a large part of Neruda’s family.

According to this version, Neruda had been poisoned by a “injection in the abdomen” by a secret agent of the regime that he would have posed as a doctor at the Santa María Clinic, in Santiago.

“Neruda was not seriously ill, he only had cancer. He walked with difficulty, he was in pain, but he was not ready to die,” he explained to the agency. EFE Elizabeth Floresfamily lawyer, who acts as a plaintiff in the case initiated in 2011 with the Communist Party, in which the author of “Twenty love poems and a desperate song” was a member.

Neruda's family assures that the poet was poisoned
Pablo Neruda. Photo: Telam

The report will be released this Wednesday, February 15.

The dissemination of the conclusions of this new expert report were scheduled for February 3, but the hearing was canceled twice: first due to technical failures and then due to alleged “disagreements between the experts”. This Wednesday, February 15, the content of the report will be known in depth.

“The lawyers are going to ask for other types of proceedings that may or may not be scientific,” said the lawyer representing the writer’s family.


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