The former senator Hilda “Chiche” Duhalde76 years old, decompensated this Tuesday, February 14 and should have been emergency assisted. It was located in the Congress area, in the City of Buenos Aires.
The ex-president’s wife eduardo duhalde suffered a heat stroke. From SAME they reported that she suffered a picture of arterial hypotension and they maintained that it was a minor, non-serious episode.
Chiche Duhalde: “I don’t see Cristina or Alberto with the ability to win in 2023”
In his last appearance in the media, he had differentiated himself from the Ministry for Women, Gender and Diversity, arguing that its existence has no “reason for being” and argued that it should be closed.
In addition, he also expressed his discomfort over issues of the political and economic situation. “Most of the people don’t understand macroeconomic issues, what they do understand is how their pocket hurts, how they can’t make ends meet, what difficulties they have with their health,” she said in journalistic statements.
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