Middle-Income Floridians “Face Hunger,” Study Says – NBC Orlando (31)

Many Floridians are experiencing symptoms of food insecurity, including those employed with median or higher household incomes, according to a new survey by No Kid Hungry Florida.

41% of adults reported one or more symptoms of food insecurity in the past year. Parents and Floridians residing in rural areas are hardest hit. Nearly half of parents (47%) and respondents living in rural areas (48%) experienced one or more symptoms of food insecurity in the past year.

Even middle-income Floridians face hunger at substantial rates, with more than one-third (36%) of households earning between $50,000 and $100,000 reporting at least one indicator of food insecurity (Florida median household income is $61,777).

“I hope many of you will be surprised by how widespread food insecurity is across our state,” said Sky Beard, director of No Kid Hungry Florida. “These numbers tell us that we all have a neighbor, colleague or friend struggling to feed their family. With the rising cost of food and other essential items, there are many working parents who skip meals so their children can eat, or who live only one emergency or unexpected expense away from facing hunger.”

According to the organization, many families struggle to put food on the table. More than 76% of Florida adults are having a harder time buying food than this time last year. Among parents, 71% said they would worry regarding not being able to buy food if faced with an emergency or an unexpected expense, such as a car repair or medical bill.

“More and more families are experiencing signs of food insecurity, and Floridians want to see solutions,” Beard said. “Nearly all of our respondents supported ending child hunger as a top priority for our state’s elected officials. They want a bipartisan solution to this challenging problem,” he added.

Key Results:

● Parents and rural Floridians are fighting back. 47% of parents and 48% of rural respondents experienced one or more symptoms of food insecurity in the past year. A quarter of parents (26%) and Floridians living in rural areas (24%) feared that they would not have enough food for their household.

● It is getting more and more difficult to buy food. Three-quarters (76%) of Floridians reported that they now have more difficulty buying food, compared to this same time last year.

● Many Floridians are just one emergency away from starvation. A significant majority (66%) of those surveyed said they would be concerned regarding their ability to buy food if they had an unexpected $1,500 expense, such as a car repair or medical bill. Among parents and Floridians living in rural areas, this number is even higher, at 71% and 74%, respectively.

● Even middle-income families are hit hard. More than a third (36%) of respondents with annual household income between $50,000 and $100,000 reported having faced food insecurity in the past year.

● There is overwhelming support for ending child hunger in Florida. An overwhelming majority (95%) of Floridians agree that ending childhood hunger should be a priority for state elected officials, and nearly all (97%) agree that ending childhood hunger should be a priority. bipartisan issue.

● Floridians support school meal programs to address childhood hunger. 90% agree that these programs should be expanded.



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