Early .. Nikki Haley announces her candidacy for the US presidential race

The former US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, officially announced her candidacy for the US presidential elections, which will be held in November 2024.

Candidacy story

  • In the video, she added, her mother urged her to focus not on the differences, but on the commonalities between Americans.
  • In the video, which used many audio and visual effects, Haley focused on her upbringing and the diversity she represented, noting that she was neither white nor brown, but rather different (her Indian origins) and grew up in South Carolina.

This is a message, which seems important, given the state of division that American society has experienced in recent years, taking into account the great diversity of society formed by immigrants from all over the world.

Attack on internal and external opponents

  • She criticized the Republican Party for losing the popular vote in the country during 7 out of the last 8 presidential elections, calling for a change in that.
  • She strongly criticized President Joe Biden’s administration, describing his presidential record as bad, and calling for securing borders and strengthening the security of the United States.
  • And she did not forget to criticize China in the short video, which lasted 3 minutes and 33 seconds, with which relations have been escalating in recent weeks. The criticism extended to Russia and Iran, stressing that it does not tolerate bullies.

Nikki Haley’s announcement seems somewhat early, as no candidate has yet announced his candidacy for the elections that will take place in nearly two years, with the exception of former President Donald Trump, who announced this late last year.

Haley belongs to the Republican Party, and served as US Ambassador to the United Nations between 2017-2018, during the Trump era.

It seems that Haley’s candidacy is a reversal of a previous position she took and expressed explicitly, as she said that she supported Trump and would not run for the presidency if he ran.

With this announcement, Haley confirmed speculation and reports that she was regarding to run for the presidential elections, and if she wins the Republican nomination, she will be the second woman to run in this election following Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Prior to that, she served as governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017.



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